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RE: TRADE TIPS from a man with his finger on the crypto-pulse

I'm having very similar experiences as you with my trading, however I'm not seeing gains as quickly as you are and I've had to spend a lot of time messing with faucets ( obviously a pain in the a**, but free) to keep from investing my own money. I'm going to check out your FB group for sure, but would you happen to have any other info, recommendations etc. that would offer me worthwhile knowledge?
I've only been investing in crypto for about six months now. I have invested $90 of my own money, but I've been able to get my portfolio up around $500.
Any information you could lead me to or provide would be appreciated beyond words.
They say that when someone does you a favor most feel psychologicly obligated to repay them in a manner of equal or greater value. Reciprocity. I don't get this feeling the way others do because I run a ship based on respect and not all favors are based on that fact.
What I'm lengthfully trying to get across is that if you can help me you will see repayment, not out of psychological obligation, but as a show of gratitude and respect for your help.
Honestly my repayment will more than likely be in the plural because the value of this knowledge to me is priceless and the respect for your kindness worth millions.
I apologize for such a lengthy comment, it's just that this is the first time in a long while that I've been happy and the crypto world is the reason for this. It has honestly given me that which money could never buy and it's more than just happiness.
Thanks and praise. V


Hello friend. I enjoyed your lengthy comment, so no need to apologise. And I am honoured that you should seek further trade tips from me. I am just a beginner who happened to enter at the right time. The recent spurt from Dash & Etherium did well very well for me as they were my first big investments 3 weeks ago. Today, now that Bitcoin seems stable again, everything else seems to have slowed down on the growth front.

Though as I said in this post, PIVX seems to be the one to watch. Every time I dip in and pull out at what appears to be a peak, increasing my money by 50%, I end up kicking myself because it just keeps on growing. Clearly this growth spurt will stop at some point, but for now it seems good.

Best of luck to you :)