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RE: Why are the prices of Cyptocurrencies Crashing?

in #cryptocurrency8 years ago (edited)

I actually had to cut it short because I was like nobody is going to read it anyway. I bought ETH at $220 on Agust 2nd after the Bitcoin fork. It is kinda like this market crashing 2 digit red than one digit red than a decimal red then a decimal green and when you see a small digit green such as +3% or +5% with a nice curve you stick it in there.

Like I bought Dash at $220 after it was at $200 for one month.
NEO or aka Antshares at $12.


Anyways I am going to post about my market observations because from hindsight everyone is smart.
Like I will do an excel sheet and tell everyone what I am doing before I do it a then post the results.