Surely not proud but…
Market goes down like now!!!Panic!! I think to myself “it’s the end.. “I hear “sell sell sell”, I finally agreed that stocks are way better, safer, tangible, it has real value!!!! Crypto was just a dream, it’d have never worked! How did I put myself into this???I even buy the Financial Times and consider purchasing some bonds.
Difficult decision but after a lot of thoughts, I call work and apologise, maybe leaving the way I did wasn’t right, I didn’t mean to call my boss so many names and I definitely didn’t mean to call my co-workers those names either.
I was just going through some difficult moments, I say... Well... it’s Friday they say.. come back on Monday, your desk is still there. I hang up the phone and feel a relief, at least I have my job back, living and learning. I feel a sense of personal growth, I feel humble, touched by this whole crypto experience.
Most importantly, I feel appreciated by all the support from my former colleagues taking me back. You know... now, taking one step at the time, no more crazy hours on Telegram, Reddit, Twitter, Github, Discord, YouTube, WhatsApp and obviously, Steemit, getting the most up to date info about the market, new ICOs, announcements, partnerships, hard forks, soft forks, segwits, lightning, blockfolio, FUD, FOMO....this is all over! I’m actually glad.
Anyway, long weekend ahead and, Monday is all back to normal, better get some rest! Be ready! Show the love in the office, shake everyone’s hand, ready for some mature talk... I keep telling my myself “I’m better now, I’ve learned my lesson!!” I feel ready to face everyone again, I know what is done is done, I can't change that but I can move on and be grateful for this second chance!
It’s Monday morning, marketing is been going up like never before! I don’t even bother calling work! Life is great again!!!! 😂
Hey Vinnie, I think that a high percentage of us have been there......though technically I'm not there anymore as I sort of when those cold night sweats hit and I am swimming in a see of read dreaming of the safe green pastures of a salary......SHIT!!!!! But then I reflect and the emotion of tirades past come flooding back and I think F**it I can live on beans on toast if I need to and even though I don't have a job to fall back on, cos when I look deep down inside, I really did mean all those things that I said and the thought of going back there is way worse that any punishment that I might find in a crypto hell. Anyway thanks for the post and giggle, I would keep your boss on speed dial if I were you (well, I wouldn't but you know what I mean) at least for the next couple of weeks as we could be in for a bumpy ride. Cheers J
Mate, what a text! Although I meant to bring some humour to this stressful moments, you did indeed nearly fully translated how I feel! Suddenly I don't feel so strange! Jeff, have you given up or reached your goals? Thanks for sharing! Really appreciate! See you on the blockchain!
Goals just changed mate, always something to aim for. Currently living on a tropical island looking for as little stress as possible, and get back to Australia to visit family and much loved friends as much as possible (grandfather now...A.K.A PoppaJeff). your more than welcome for the share and indeed ......see you on the blockchain. Gotta go, trying to pick me up some cheap Medicalchain ........getting to the age when I know that I am going to start needing them. Cheers J