Visio and the InVisio ICO
Today is a huge milestone for Visio and for those who have stuck by our project throughout the course of development. It was announced by our developer that we are about to shift into a new stage and additional upgrade by progressing into a new ICO phase called InVisio which will generate much needed resources to put additional key security features for content creators into our already robust Visio Platform.
Key concepts for Visio with InVisio integration is as follows:
1. INVISIO will be a 'complementary chain' to Visio. This means where Visio will be the driving platform for distributed and decentralized content sharing, community building, and our robust Content Management System (CMS) to ensure the right content reaches the right audience. InVisio will compliment by becoming the driving force so we can implement anonymity, privacy, with untraceablity and important security measures that include encryption to ensure measures of protection in post-quantum computing times ahead.
2. These two chains and subsequent coins will be two parts to one intertwined chain that is compounded from the two. Thus creating a glued together system with a "fast temporary virtual postchain". To simplify, Visio and InVisio will be secured together but will stay independent in their forms for better security and important scalebiltiy for future upgrades.
3. This ICO phase for InVisio will also ensure much needed resources so we can expand our development team. The creation of such a complex and unique system has made us realize its time to grow our development team so we can provide a faster pace to get this completed and out to the public. We have already locked in 12 additional members to our development team to take on the challenge to provide quality on this grand scope of a system. Thus we will open our doors for investors to latch into a huge opportunity by the creation of the InVisio token.
Users have come to us already with one big question about the fate of Visio, but we are here to assure you that Visio and the full platform is very much alive and well. We are on the path nicely with our roadmap still and as you can see this coming ICO inclusion with InVisio is meant to enhance our platform for users and content creators so every possible upgrade we can think of will hit users as smoothly as possible. Not only will Visio live on but we feel going this route of the ICO for InVisio will ensure quality beyond the scope of what was ever imagined.
A Breakdown of the Coming InVisio ICO Numbers
Total Invisio Coin Supply: 100m Invisio's
Development Planned Budget: 30-35m Invisio's
Visio Holders : 15-20m Invisio's - free airdrop based by snapshots from block 380k till platform release (weighted average)
Pre-sale : 20m Invisio's- private offers, current holders will be preferred
InVisio ICO will begin November 1, 2017 until the InVisio Alpha release or sell out: 30m (whichever comes first). ICO prices will start at $2 and will grow to $4 during first 2 weeks. From there the unit price will be growing until the end of our InVisio ICO phase (cca 10-25% weekly). Unsold coins will not be burned but used for future financing with commitment that there will not be batch selling (only slow continuous flow if necessary and never under 150% of initial ICO price.
NOTE: Price in the pre-sale will be lower than in ICO and will depends on 'private deals' .. but for transparency it will be in range 25-75% of initial ICO price and be restricted for X amount of coins.
A preview of the current Visio Platform as pictured above.
Creating a FIAT Gateway and Affiliate Program for Our Users
Another huge announcement for Visio holders today is the fact we have plans to also create very important systematic gateway to tie InVisio to fiat. Users and content creators truly should have access to cash in their earnings so our development team has thought this out and will commence on providing such a service within our system to further help users have an easier option to real world usages.
Fiat gateway will built with in the platform gateways and will bring in paid content to non-crypto users. Price will be calculated as follows: 1 Visio = $1 USD. The fiat to Visio price ratio will never be lower than $1. When the price on crypto exchanges grow, fiat will also rise and will be about 25-50% more expensive. When crypto exchanges price drops down, fiat price will stay at $1 minimum to ensure stability for users. Visio will be completely legal and folllow all laws ordained by the EU but to remain decentralized, all final decisions about content (goods and services) will be made by community and will not be forced from outside entities. Visio will provide the best case protection for our users possible who use our fiat gateway system.
There will also be an affiliate system in the Visio Platform. Users with affiliates will get 3-1% from all their affiliates purchases (in 1st and 2nd level). There will be an additional affiliate system for privileged community members "p-com" and these users will get another 0.5-1% from all spends from ALL affiliates registered in their structure regardless on their 'level'. This reward will be 'conditioned'. it means that rewarded users need to be a real community builders, so we will have some rank and karma stats implemented into our system for users.
There will be also second independent reward system which will be announced after release during ICO as 'ico killer'. This system is more progressive and so 😉 ~Per our dev FLAD as a teaser for so much more to come!

Finally the Masternodes Breakdown and Opportunities for Early Adopters
We have also begun the process of development towards our most important masternode system. It is now at a very vital stage we begin to hash away at the in depth system we are placing for users in this investment opportunity. Visio and Invisio will not be your average masternode system as crypto users are used to. Our masternodes will come with options and also be used in ways not done before by common masternode services out there. Here is a rough breakdown on what to expect from the coming masternode options ahead:
1. STANDARD MASTERNODES: This option is what most crypto users are used to. This will run like a standard masternode like Dash, PIVX, ect. Users will need 250k Visios to run his node and each node will need to be binded with 'general user visio address' the main address you have and use. (we may implement a MN per user restriction in future if needed)
2. IPFS CONTENT MASTERNODES: This masternode will provide space for platform content in such a way it will be the date center like hub for our platform. Users will need 250k Visios to run his node just like in the STANDARD MASTERNODE, but additionally you will need 100-250TB to be able run this masternode. This node will run in 'cluster' with encrypted content so masternode owners will not have complete responsibility for the stored data on their system.
3. RANK-N-KARMA MASTERNODES: A very unique offering by our developer is the Rank and Karma masternode option. This will be base on the rank and karma a user holds thus promoting users to rise in the ranks by community building and help which should promote a very rich environment for users to grow with Visio. there will be limited amount of these masternodes - maximum will be 1% of users but maybe less.
4. HASHRATE MASTERNODES: From transition to the new chain there will be POW phase again to secure the new chain created by INVISIO. The rewards will low and will be halved very fast, so for the'keeping of hashrate' there will be kind of masternode where your collateral will be continuous minimal hashrate which will be not rewarded for mining (with profit) but you will be rewarded in a manner just like masternode owners.
5. BLUR MASTERNODES (working title): This final style of masternode options is not going to be open to the public anytime soon, most likely a year down the line after further development. The concept for this type of node is where you will need to run many 'servers' with different IPs to secure both chains (Invisio will work only via i2p) so each request especially for distributed encryption keys will go thru many servers to 'blur' user request and locations. Minimum for this kind will be 240 different nodes (probably more). There will not be needed servers, so don't be too concerned, it will be provided via in-browser app when launched and realized.
Also as a promotional option to help those right now who desire to host a masternode with Visio but limited on the income to do so. We have a weekend opening for users to join our Slack and join a special channel in our Slack to get your nodes locked in for the set price of only 100K. This is very limited, you only have till this Sunday, October 8th at 12pm CET. To act now and lock this in, join our Slack at the following link by providing your email and click on the confirmation link in provided address, then look for our special channel # visio-p-com and join it to get your masternodes at discount. You can join our Slack at the following link:
The Importance of this Moment for Visio
In closing we want to thank everyone for so much support through the course of development here at Visio. We firmly believe this coming ICO will be the advancement needed to set us apart from any system out there. To empower us to provide content creators and their audiences with a tool so advanced that the need for central control will be a thing of the past. Our dedication is to get this out to the public as fast as we can but with pacing to ensure that quality is superior so its is not only fun to use but an asset to the world who needs a system to share content on their own terms.
In the course of the next month and throughout the coming ICO phase the development on our Platform will be ongoing. Nothing has changed in form of our platform and we are firmly on the path beyond what our original roadmap was promising. Quality is important to this team and security for all our users. In order to kick that up a notch we must gather resources to do this right. So we hope to have the huge support of our community as we go forward and guide this platform to the greatness it deserves.
Please join our Slack for real time updates from our team on the coming ICO and our development. We will keep everyone posted on social media. Visio hopes to set a standard and we are seriously closer to a system unseen before in crypto. Thank you for all your help keeping us going!!
-The Visio Platform Team-
Follow us on Steemit @visio
Visio is available on the following exchanges:
Wow!! This is incredible and beyond anything I was expecting!
That is great to hear my friend, this post took me all dang day lol. Really wanted to make sure you guys had the important info on a solid level. Is this good excitement? I think this is massive for Visio and its future. Oh crap I am out of my Visio profile, lol...oh well they know who I am anyways so post as myself lol. Hard to roll with so many accounts and always be smooth about it lol
upvoted and resteemed , spreading the message :)
Thank you so much for the help spreading this important message.
Any decent exchanges in the expansion plans? And will the current wallet hold both coins?
We are already hard at it to get some expansions on furthering our reach to new exchanges. Its a matter of a little time to get our project development off the ground a little more but that and marketing is going even more full force from this stage on. The current plan on the wallet is not exactly sure to me personally as of yet but from what I gather it should be included together and I believe and update to pull this off should be in the mix soon. Bare with me on that one, our dev has been insanely busy the last few days due to the ICO coming so I haven't gotten word back from him on your question but I will try to find out the exacts for you as soon as possible. I am about to post a full FAQ addition post to compliment this to further help users get some questions answered, should be up within the hour. ~ @sflaherty