An Exploration Into Distributed Content Freedom and Why Central Control is No Longer Beneficial to the Individual
Thanks to the world of Blockchain Technology, history has already been made in the creation of individual financial empowerment with complete access to options without any central control of governments and financial institutions. This advancement against the central systems of the world is so important, one that the world has needed for quite a long time.
Central Control and It's Misuse of Users: With centralized systems its very limited on the actual consensus one would have to spark change or have a say in how the central host is providing its services. This is why many Youtubers have found a drop in revenue lately through the pull backs that Google has placed on their ad systems. Their centralized concept is very full of censorship and control. If they feel your content may not provide revenue to them, they pull the plug on you and make it harder to earn for your work. Even if they grace you with some revenue, its usually a lot less than the profits the owners of these systems make off content creators work. This is why centralized content sharing seems to be an illogical route to pour our work into now a days, because in the end its the system who earns and not the individual and this is a huge tragedy.
As with any history making advancement, its reach tends to outstretch into many other areas of life and now we are in a time where the usage of Blockchain Technology can be found in many more central controlled environments. Content sharing and distribution has begun to find itself in a tug of war between central controllers (Youtube, Facebook, Netflix, ect.) In this battle, the casualties appear to be the content creators themselves who painstakingly share their raw talents time and time again with major effort but the central hosts end up making the profits in the end. This is a tragedy but luckily projects like Visio are here to pave a new way of doing things, a freedom campaign to decentralize the world with content creators in mind!
How VISIO Works: Taking Technology Into A Decentralized Movement for Everyone
Visio is a platform for Decentralized Content Aggregation (DCAP) with a focus on hardened security and ease of use. The platform is not under centralized control and as such its health is entirely dependent on a user-managed content moderation system. Furthermore, the process of content aggregation (where network users can register interest in specific content such as video or subtitle files) is coordinated by the users themselves. If multiple users are interested in the same content, they can link their requests and create a quote (priced in Visio tokens) which will increase their chances of finding a content creator to accept their offer. We think the decentralized structure and user-led management will be highly appealing to users of existing file sharing mechanisms.
Decentralized File Hosting
As is often the case, content contributors may not be able to host their content indefinitely, and one of the central features of Visio is its peer-to-peer storage system. Additionally, users with larger bandwidth and data storage capacities are incentivized to store user-generated aggregated content.
Decentralized Moderation
To prevent bad actors, we are developing a consensus moderation platform where malicious content can be flagged and removed once a consensus vote is reached within a specified time period.
Distribution of Gifts
Since a content contributor could be working as both an individual and a group, the Visio platform is ready to proportionally distribute any revenue obtained – the owner/group manager will have permissions to distribute revenue between members.
… and much more
The Visio Platform is under constant development. We are currently preparing for full testing then release very soon. We have also expanded into another phase called InVisio which is currently under development with opportunities for investors and Visio holders to further enrich help for the future of this ambitious project. For more details on how to get involved with our InVisio project, read the official White Paper for that here:
Now You Can Bring Your Content To Our Decentralized System!
Visio has finally hit a major milestone, we are now ready for content creators to join in our cause to begin the process of becoming early pioneers in this movement to decentralize how we share content in this world. Not only will the first content creators get an edge up by using our system early on by earning karma points before the majority can rise in the ranks but they can also get a feel for the system early on and adopt the many avenues of earnings that Visio will provide through ad management and many other earning potentials thanks to the blockchain technology surrounding our platform.
Every Medium Has A Home With Visio:
Filmmakers/Video Creators: With the light shining on Hollywood's central control and corruption lately, and the constant struggles that video creators are finding on centralized systems like is probably the most important time for everyone to find that individual empowerment through decentralized systems to get their work out to the public. Film deserves more freedom, filmmakers also deserve better avenues to raise funds and let the independent nature of their art flow with no disruption. Visio is aiming high to help these important arts out and let control be in their hands fully.
Musicians/Bands/Solo Artists: Lets face it, we as musicians have been on a struggle for decades now to take back our full control on our own work. Through technology we are getting there but through the blockchain we will finally own complete control again over our own creativity. Just imagine, no middle men, just you and an upload button and countless potentials of revenue and listeners. Visio can be an amazing option, one we hope you will not overlook.
Photographers/Artists: Not only will Visio provide a way to get audio files, movies and video files out to users. But there is a hidden gem in Visio many aren't aware of yet, it can process any file format possible. We have huge hopes that Photographers, gifted painters and digital artists will also find freedom in our decentralized distributed platform. Imagine actually getting the credit and revenue for those countless hours of talent being put to use. Your public awaits you just as much as any other medium here on Visio.
Documents/Office/Business Usages: Due to the nature of how our system is built, it's flexibility is not actually just limited to content creators. Business professionals can also distribute their important documents in a very fast and secure way through our platform. Do you need to send your PDF to your team but need it hosted as well so everyone can access it on a need on demand basis? Well with Visio that is also going to be a huge option as well. Endless options, and you control that content and how its sent to your employees.
The Door is Open for You to Explore Visio
We are now ready for not only investors but for everyone who has use for a system like this. We don't care if you are just planning to use Visio to check out the content for yourself or you plan to use this as a content creator, we are ready for everyone to become apart of this journey to kick the world into a more logical decentralized place full of freedoms. Now is the time to get involved more than ever, we have testing going on and a need for more content plus we have a lot of opportunities about to open up for new investors and users.
To get more details and learn how to share your content now, simply click on the following link to join our community! Our team is there daily to help you learn how to get more involved with Visio:
More updates will come soon, we have many announcements coming out very soon so be sure to keep an eye on our Slack community and Steemit for future posts!
-The Visio Platform Team-
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