Hello everyone,
New day new money to be made!
That's a verse from Nicki Minaj that I love a lot and it's one of my mottos!
I've just received a mail with some great news that ucoincash platform is lending now and you can make exchanges now. The price of 1UCH= 7$ til now and still growing!
I hope you could buy some when was the initial selling for a real profit.
I wasn't so lucky and my phone crashed 3 times in a row but, finally I bought some but not enough..
I want to share with you some icos you should invest and if you have any news for us I'm also open and you can leave them in the comments area! 🙂
- Also I real think SALT and EXPANSE are going to be great and you should start buy now!
Hope you have a great day from all the points! At least you because, in my case, it sucks ...I have 2 projects to do and of course the due date is tomorrow and the status is horrible. I hate when I have to make pointless projects with no real and useful information.
For the new users other alternatives for trading crypto currencies are:
- Poloniex
- Cryptopia