
Now you finally got something right!!!!

Ding ding ding. We have a winner!!!

I am not homesteading yet because there is still snow on the ground and also because I am working full time now.

It's in the 60's now in the suburbs of Lewiston where you play homesteader in your 100%
on grid house....

You lie just for the sake of lying...

Boy, I dont know about you but it sure does not look like suburbs to us here. We are surrounded by State land which is open to wild animals, outdoor sports, hunting and more.

You have repeatedly said that the property your parent bought you is
zoned as LDR...Right?

The "R" stands for residential aka city and suburbs...

Just because it is state land adjacent, doesn't make it a homestead...

You are a cagey little man soy-boi....

There is still snow...You just uploaded a crappy video to your shitty play-homestaeding YouTube channel crying about how horribly hot it is.....

Your bullshit micro-cilmate goes from subzero to heatwave in 1 day?