I've been using WordPress since 2006, and I can say without much exaggeration that it's been the most trouble-free, open source CMS I have ever used. When Steemit came out, I created an account and yearned for an easy way to port my WP content to Steemit. Up to now, I'd been manually copy and pasting content from WP to Steemit. Not a major problem, but tedious nonetheless.
WP's advantages are many, but for me the top two are media import and editing ease, closely followed by the myriad of plugins available and the strong and continual development of the platform. Oh, and the seamless upgrade process. It's automagic!
I'm going to install Steempress now and I'll give a user report after a few days time.
Believe it or not, I've been following you on YT for a long time, and DTube, too, so I figured I was also following you here on Steemit. Well, nope. Corrected that error today.