Hello wildcryptowest here,
Today I'm going to talk about the topic: Is Cryptocurrency Easy & Fast Money ?
A lot of my friends ask me: 'Hey, in what should I invest (cryptocurrency) to earn the most money as fast as possible?' I HATE questions like that. In my opinion thats just a greedy question.
In my opinion cryptocurrency isn't easy and fast money. You have to understand the blockchain technology, whitepapers, technology behind the coins, etc. Understanding that is a challenge in itself and it's definitely not easy. So you can already scratch the easy in easy & fast.
Yes there have been moments when certain coins went up like crazy, to give an example: when Bitcoin went up $4000 in 4 days. Which is fast money right? But when you are someone without any knowledge about blockchain technology and how the cryptocurrency market works, would you sell when you see your 'investement' go up like crazy? I wouldn't because i am here for easy & fast money and preferably as much as possible.
Doing your own research (DYOR) is key in this industry.
Last but not least is that people need to see the bigger picture of cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency isn't something that was created to just make money like that. There's many videos explaining the goals of blockchain and this industry.
So in short,
- Cryptocurrency isn't easy & fast money
- DYOR on blockchain, whitepapers, coins, ...
- Don't invest in something you have no knowledge about
Have a nice day :)
Wild Crypto West
People need to understand that crypto is the money for the future. Sometimes they ask me “when will you cash out?” My question to them is: “Why should I?”
If I cash out, it means that I would bet my money on the dollar or the euro?! The thing is... the value of what bitcoin and crypto is today, will be worth much more in the future.
I agree that this is NOT Fast and Easy money! It is a slow but steady process to a better world. A world where people can earn what they deserve, where they don’t get robbed by the governments, where they won’t have to ask to a banker if they please can get some money off of their own account to use it to buy something, and so on!
The fees are rather high on most wallet and blockchain wallets, any advice for short term investments and roughly how much do you recommend to put in?
Don't really have any advice for short term investers, imo you should invest in crypto for the bigger picture