Some good swing trades. So how much did your position go offside when you took some heat?
How much money did you leave on the table by being too cheap?
Anything you would have done differently?
Some good swing trades. So how much did your position go offside when you took some heat?
How much money did you leave on the table by being too cheap?
Anything you would have done differently?
I really didn't get offside much on these trades. The last one was the only noticeable one. I bought at 45K and it dropped to ~39.9 or so.
Given that the price shot up from 18K to 77K in a matter of days, I missed out on a lot of upside. But the point of this money and my trading was to learn this market better, so I certainly did that...and also made a profit anyway.
Yes. I would have bought a hell of a lot more at 18K and dumped all of it at 77K!