I always consider the name before investing really.
I love Neo, though I admit it initially held me back since I related it with a matrix fanboy kind of project, but going beyond that: it is an easy, simple and catchy name. Neo as in the meaning of new, does have significant relevance and I can really see a name like that becoming mainstream.
Steem has a very strong brand name, Iota is certainly one of the best, monero is easily relatable as slang for (digital) money which helps it's popularity.
Litecoin is ok, though it's name kinda always places it as Bitcoin's little brother.
Verge is not bad, potential to be a strong name but no clear relatability to me, like monero.
EOS, meh.. kinda reminds of apple and not a bad name for an OS but not so great for a currency.
NEM, not great.. though I like the New Economy Movement it stands for, the logo always seemed kinda boring to me.
Lisk, never liked the name, I had high hopes for the rebranding but they kept the name, logo is ok but not spectacular.
Cardano, too many sylables, too.. Italian, maybe? trading under ADA, also not doing it for me. With nothing to really show for I can easily see this become a forgotten coin.