Dear Sergii
Thank you for your response, and your adjustments in the way you’ve chosen to address us. Using Wework as office space is great and using their service does not qualify as a crime however it may indicate the age and permanence of a company. This does not mean that Xtrade is fake, this just checks one of the many indicators on our list.
Working is certainly not unusual, and we are sure Alexander actively trades and has good knowledge about cryptocurrency.
However, none of the team members have answered any of our questions. Which are in our opinion not unreasonable questions to ask. The matter of fact is all questions are evaded or unanswered.
When a question is asked like how do we know this company actually exists? And your answer is basically “because I am telling you that it is” it does not seem very credible.
Apparently, you and/or Axon has build Realview global as well, why are you not mentioned on their website? And why is it not in your bio? developing software for company that grew to 35 employees is certainly something to be proud of and mention on Axon’s website and in your Xtrade bio.
To allow investors insights in the workings of the company behind any ICO is crucial and for now there is a lot of uncertainty surrounding Xtrade.
Here is my list of questions again: (these can also be read in my first response that remains unanswered)
- If both teachers register and Love are discontinued why do you claim in your bio that they are fast growing startups?
- How do Xtrade investors know that Jon worked at JP morgan and Goldman Sachs for 6 years doing Equity Derivatives, Structured Products, Market Liquidity, Senior Bank Debt, and executing institutional client orders?
- How do investors know that Alexander Kravets actually handled 4% of daily NASDAQ trading volume? And at what company?
- Why does MA real estate have no easy to find internet presence?
- Realview global’s website has very little information on it, where is realview global implemented? How do we know this company has 30 employees?
- My Russian is not great however we believe the website on Martphotography to be about building a good resume, of course Axon can have a corporate photoshoot there, but why is your Business analyst there as well? While she is not part of the Axon team when look at the Axon website.
- What is the relevance of the video in which you give a lecture at what is probably the annual Open Source and Linux Community Conference in Kiev in 2012? (we might be wrong as we said our Russian is not great, but we are working on it. Also, what is Chrome?)
- Did you pay themerkle to post the article about xtrade?
- What does the team think of Battered_lifer’s message and the other allegations that are made in the XRP chat? Why does somebody else ask exactly the same questions that we do?
- Apparently, you and/or Axon has build Realview global as well, why are you not mentioned on their website? And why is it not in your bio? developing software for company that grew to 35 employees is certainly something to be proud of and mention on Axon’s website and in your Xtrade bio.
We do not think any of these questions are unreasonable, we do think it is valuable to ask these questions when investing in Xtrade. Can you shed some light on the dim spots of our investment?
Kind regards,
If using WeWork as an office is indicating our age and performance, how about 90% "companies" running ICO that do not have offices at all? WeWork has some positive and negative sides but it's a way better than "run" a company/blog/newsfeed from mom and dad porch.
XTRADE.IO was self-funded at the beginning and we did not find any advantages to rent an office in e.g. WTC.
Our main goal was to get normal workspace to bootstrap so we did it. Yes, we can't post nice looking photos from our office but we are not Instragram persons, we here to work.
RealView Global provides business analytics and security services to companies that don't want us to publish this information anywhere. I completely realize that it sounds really bad. So here what we can do - please, contact me directly, I will provide you an NDA to fill and then will walk you through what RVG is doing. This will help you completely understand nature of it business and reasons why we are not advertising on internet(first of all, services are expensive and relationships are build of full trust). Of course, you will not have rights to publish information here, but at least you can say - "yes, its real, I saw it". Will it work for you?
Why my RVG work did not mention on LinkedIn profile? I 99% sure that it was here, probably I removed it somehow. Thanks for pointing on it, will update my profile shortly.
RVG was renting an office for a year in WTC - does it sounds good enough compared with WeWork?
And, by the way, I was CTO in several others companies as well:)
The reason I added several videos to my post is simple - it used to illustrate that your comment regarding photos is not logical. If people from our team comes from photo stocks market, what the heck I'm doing with them? Or I'm a photo as well? But guy, very similar to me is on Axon video at 2012, XTRADE.IO video at 2017, and will be at XTRADE.IO video at 2018. Co-incident:)? I have another great theory - I'm part-time video actor;)
I asked photo agency to remove photos from public and looks like they did it.
Hard to say, what you see suspicious in our BA photo but we are living in hard times. I received an email saying that based on ways we use punctuation in the XTRADE.IO whitepaper, Alex Kravets is not an American at all:)