Here's what I think about all of this. Short term is pretty impossible to predict: it can go up to $10k+ and stabilize, it can see a second big wave going to previous hights or it can even go down as low as $4k and have this popped bubble tail, resulting in a bear market for months. We'll see. On long term the fundamentals are still the same and I do believe we will se new hights of $20k+ eventually, no matter what. I'm in for it all or nothing and strongly do believe in the long term scenario (5 years) of BTC going over $50k eventually.
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Hi how long do you hodl your token from an ICO ?
times 10 times 100 ?
how much are you selling then ?
Hey you do a great job as usal ...lik e the way you have given confidence to us ... :
great approach, I enjoy your videos a lot, keep it up and HODL. Saludos from Lima, Peru