Investing In cryptocurrency In 2018 !

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

First of all, this year, we saw the exit of bitconnect, it was an amazing lending platform where we could do amazing benefits , Genesis mining, the famous cloud mining website lost his lifetime contracts, and have the majority of it's contracts out of stock, on the other hand hasflare has only a year contract and it's not as profitable as a life time contract.
If you want to ge into day trading, I think thaat you could make some money, due to the volatility of the cryptocurrency market, however, you must work on it full time. That could be an issue for the people who are working on a job or students, because they don't have time to day trade.
So one solution remains, that we should hold cryptocurrency for a long time and hope that these cryptos will increase in value.
I hope that one day a plateform like bitconnect will set up soon .

If someone has another way to invest cryptocurrency, let me know down in the comments .

bbc down.jpg


There wasn't an exit by Bitconnect. Only the lending service was discontinued.

Yes I understand but the main reason the majoritie of people were using bitconnect, was to lend bitconnect and enarn profit, not to buy bitconnect .