Someone answered this question by saying they don't trust it.
I don't think they understand it enough to trust it or distrust it.
When we don't understand something we tend to lose interest in it.... It's like when you come across a word in an article or book and you don't know what it means or even how to pronounce it... your mind immediately goes about weighing the pain vs the weight of the pleasure.
Ex: Is it worth the effort to look this word up and find out what it means? What is the article about? What will it do for me? /// Usually the answer is: "F^ it," and they put the book down or continue surfing the net for something that's not so complicated and time-consuming.
Crypto currency is not something you can live-in or drive or wear and this is how human beings (especially Americans) determine the value of something.
We can't throw it against the wall, show it off, post pictures of it on Facebook or screw it.... so we turn away.
Well-less than 1% of the adult American population has any clue of what crypt-currency is, but the few who can see the big picture, and understand that the times are changing, can reevaluate the value of something and can understand the value relative to the USD, are doing what the exclusive rich-boys have been doing for centuries.
The only real differences are: It's, in no way, connected-to or associated with Wall Street.... and here's the big one ===> instead of paying our employees slave wages to increase our value... they become the owners, the bank and the government.
We have beaten the system and we're getting very wealthy.
As an engineer and computer science grad, i understand it very well. This is the reason and it will trigger plenty of cognitive dissonance: Here it is: it works, has issues with cost, blockchain cost, processing bandwidth ....
But THE ENDPOINTS ARE COMPROMISED BY INTERNATIONAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES and your HARDWARE cannot be changed. An endpoint is "where you type" They intercept everything and don't decrypt...THEY STEAL PASSWORDS AND KEYS! YOU CANNOT STOP THEM. Im sorry nothing is secure even offline stuff. Even baremetal code in Trezor is compromised as the ARM core can be triggered by a sequentially read stream (ie bogus blockchain) when activated it loads a root level program which then runs to tragan your device. Sorry but new world order wants you demoralized and bankrupt especially those red pilled.
I don't want to hear that shit bro ! My Trezor is safe and i'm going to make millions ,please don't burst my bubble..
Make sure your router DNS SERVER has not been refirected. Unless they can spoof the blockchain read (redirect a bogus copy that triggers a program load) into the ARM processor a program payload cannot load. The router is corrupted the same way as 99% are ARM BASED. Dont worry too much common hackers don't have access keys to hardware backdoor. In fact, i use Trezor too and connect through a vpn. NSA CIA JCHQ LARGE CORPS HAVE hardware key exploits. It's unclear whether tools exist to get into Trezor bare metal code. We engineerz have projects planned to assure only authenticated datastreams enter the trezor. Dont worry unless you are a target of alpha agencies.
Normally CIA takes this down and I get a call. Lets see if th i s gets into the blockchain?
Hey where are tbe CIA shills? They are normally here after 12 minutes! Maybe this platform is the real deal. Im off to the blockchain viewer. Cheers all!
Amazing posting
Well-less than 1% of the adult American population ? God wow I feel we are the precursors :)
:) We are. We are the pioneers!
If they do not get on board soon people are doomed