real understanding of the fundamentals of the coin they're investing in. Their money is at stake and they will defend that with their last breath, I'm afraid.I agree fully with what you say here, @crypto2crypto. But I'm afraid it's not going away anytime soon. These (mother-) "FUDders" are more often than not heavily invested themselves in the coin they're FUDding around with. It seems like people nowadays mainly invest in crypto's for a quick buck, and not so much out of a
Forums in general, but especially forums about the wild wild west that is the crypto space, have become more hostile because of this phenomenon.
Let's just hope enough people heed your words, the world will be a better place for it.
Thanks for your post! Upvoted and resteemed.
I think they are trying to defend their emotional confort.
It's easier to think of bad news as being FUD, than analyzing the problem and take proper action.
A bunch of ostriches.
Yes... and that too ;-)
Guess it will come down to darwins evolution taking over. Eventually the weak will fade out and you will be left with an astute group coin holders, those who can decipher valid info from trash.