Hello Steemit Community! Thank you to the Pioneers of this movement - STEEMIT!

Hello Steemits,

Wow! Excited to be a part of this community! With so much to learn, I am confident I will be able to engage with you all as the value of blockchain technology becomes more and more evident amongst non-believers. Blockchain technology has the potential to bring an end to an immensely corrupt financial industry. Quite frankly, I am a newbee, rookie, novice etc., lol, but I do believe in the value this technology brings to society.

Moreover, bitcoin and ethereum are the shizzzz! Decentralized apps (DAPPS) - already sounds cool! I can't wait for the day I enter into smart contracts with the nanny and the dog walker. I mean law enforcement could use blockchain to catch "the real criminals of wallstreet." Oh, and the rest of the sick criminals in the world. All I am saying is, there is value! We don't need to keep giving... and giving.... and giving.... and giving...and giving... our hard earned tax dollars away to the bad guys!!!

I realize the passion to share knowledge is prevalent amonsnt the community and I mostly admire the fact, that everyone here partakes in helping each other out. Finally, it's nice to know we as individuals, investors, cryptomaniacs, etc., be rewarded for sharing the love. The concept and technology behind STEEMIT is invaluable, not to mention ingenious. Thank you and hope all of you are doing well.