Are we ready for what is coming in 2018?

in #cryptocurreny7 years ago (edited)

As we welcome a new year, I believe 2018 will be a very significant one for all of us. There is just so many factors in effect that, it makes me wonder what kind of a world we will be living in at the end of 2018.

Let me explain what I mean. There are huge revolutions coming into our lives and we see a snowball effect about the way they are occuring.


First of all; cyrptocoins hit the financial system big and this is just a beginning. From where we stand, one can easily conclude that the banking system and its all institutions will go under a huge reconstruction in order to adapt to the cryptocurrencies. The same approach is valid for the governments too. One of the most basic authorities held by the government is to issue money. But the cryptocurrencies is endangering that. Some see this a threat to the system, while some see it as an opportunity for those that are deprived of the system and wealth. Both sides have their valid points. Regardless, change in financial system is at our doorsteps.


Second; blockchain technology set off a chain reaction in various uses of technology and digitalization. Blockchain and its derivatives is currently being adopted to different areas, from smart devices, internet of things, government services and etc. In a very near future, it is very likely that any kind of information will be crypted and circulated in blockchains instead of conventional database systems. Imagine a world where newborns are issued their identities in blockchains. The most interesting and intriguing aspect of blockchain for me is its similarity to the way our brains work.


Third; artifial intelligence is making its way into our lives in a steadily increasing speed. It won't be much long before most of our devices will earn the title of "smart" and be able to function by themselves. This concept is also has a potential effect in our lives in ways we are yet to comprehend. Our daily lives is going to be much easier without ant doubt but along the way many jobs and skills are doomed to vanish and be fulfilled by smart devices and robots. According to a report by World Labour Organization, at least 30% of current occupations will not exist and/or replaced by new occupations by 2025.

I believe the year of 2018 will be an unforgettable one for everyone. The world is in the threshold of something HUGE. And I just want to ask you all. Are we ready? Or can we even be ready?