Still have some left
Remember only 1637 TULIP will ever be issued...
Simple rules
You need to be a Steem blockchain member, otherwise you can not upvote this post. And you need a Waves Light DEX wallet. No exchange address because they do not support Waves Assets as far as I know. So get your Waves Light DEX wallet and make sure you reply to this post with your WAVES address.
This is to celebrate the 380th birthday of the TULIP bulb mania, that happened in Nederland during the 17th century. It lastet only for a short while, not even for a full month. The whole time span was less than a year, all in all. And it ended in 1637. That is why I only issued 1637 TULIP on the Waves DEX platform.
There are not much rules anymore, but therefore I will not handout WAVES with them, as I did before. But you might get another surprise, as this free handout will end on the day before Xmas. All in the spirit of the holidays, some other Asset might be coming with that.
It is easy
Upvote this post and reply with a valid Waves Light DEX wallet address. Be aware that if you use an exchange address you will probably lose the Assets I send you. Then you's have to contact the exchange itself, they might return it. Or they may not. So, get that Waves Light DEX wallet. And I know, Bitshares and so on, but I found that one way to complex for this idea of a free TULIP handout. And unfortunately Steem did not have its Smart Media Token {SMT} extention ready, so this was the best way for me. Still I might do something with them TULIP and SMTs in the near future, who knows...
So, upvote this post, reply with your WAVES address, that is it. And please do allow me some time to settle it, the more I need to go into a conversation about when the TULIP will arrive the longer it will take.
First come, first served, that is part of the deal. And everybody who replies will get 37 TULIP, until I run out off them. If there are still left by the end of 24th of december I will send the rest to a Faucet.
Even though the Cryptobells are ringing and the values are pumpin, there is not guarantee what so ever that a TULIP asset will get any value at all. Or that it will be like 2500 euro per TULIP. It is kind of fun though, to be able to say, when people start pulling the oal' Bitcoin is a TULIP bulb mania again you could say: "Funny that you mention that, cause I actually got me some rare TULIP crypto asset."
There is this tiny plan I have though to use it somewhere in 2018, but that would depend on the Steem Smart Media Token extention. But until that time, enjoy that batch of 37 free TULIP. And who knows it might get you some trading profit so you can buy more Steem here.
Ah and what the heck, I'll give 0.009 WAVES too. And if you already had some TULIP before, you are now free to get some more. First come, first served, upvote this post and reply with your WAVES address.
If you need that Wallet:
May the Cryptos be with us!
The second TULIP handout, after that to the Faucet...

Image by @oaldamster
TULIP asset data:
Issuer: oaldamster
Identifier: DhNdGSkyttDmn72yMNN68dD6Xq6yLW2pph2yEFqVeSD4
Total tokens: 1637.000
Reissuable: No
Issue date: 27/09/2017 9:34:12
Details: The Tulip Bulb Mania coin. A Waves DEX Asset to celebrate the 380th birthday, in 2017, of the TULIP rush. Only 1637 TULIPs will ever be issued. It is a very rare Token. It will be given away at: SteemIt dot com slash @oaldamster.
If you want to use TULIP to place a sell order use the identifier to find it.
For the additional suprise present you can find the indentifier in the Asset details of the Waves Light Wallet. Just like that of any Asset on the Waves DEX platform.
Check de prijs op de Waves DEX! :-P
Alleen daarom al de moeite van de gratis 0.009 Waves waard! ;-)
Btw, here is a giveaway you can participate in :) Totally free, no spam in your mailbox. Just register and wait.
Thanks! :-)
I already appreciate the tulips you handed out earlier. Asking for more would make me feel like a bratty princess. In a way I am sceptical about crypto. However, thanks to some folks, including you(!), I decided to 'play' again.
This time I am more informed. So first things I did right? Bless dumpprivkey! In the past I saved the wrong data. Bad management! Meanwhile, it was not much. it was a game.
But it's like a joke, the moment people start taking it too serious it's no longer a joke. But in the end it's a joke. Like the trustworthy politician. They usually want our vote and after that, everything goes back to the way it was.
So as for Bitcoin/altcoins/crypto in general. I don't think the tulip mania comparison does the two any justice. I see more resemblance between the dot-com bubble and crypto.
Meanwhile if we look passed the bubble, there is a lot of potential. It just shouldn't be about speculation alone. I mean, I kind of 'doubled my money' (In theory, cause to make this profit solid I should monetize first.) in a small month. That's unhealthy and unsustainable growth.
Thank you again for those tulips you sent me, they're low-maintenance!
Well, you are free to reply with your Waves address, I'd be happy to send you another batch, plus some extra thingy.
At some point in the past I was sceptical towards Cryptos. But the deeper I went into the subject, the more I started to see the huge potential the blockchain technology has.
And when Steem came I really knew this was part of a new era.
You are welcome, it is my pleasure to hand them out.
Maar enkel als er tulpen over zijn! Anders ga ik er straks nog iets voor kopen :)
Er zijn nog genoeg over hoor! :-)
Congratulations @softworker, you got your TULIP, WAVES and... Well, just look in your Assets. ;-)
Thanks for sharing your valuable content..especially thanks for discuss about crypto..cause i gain knowledge to your post in crypto..well done... upvoted .... i hope you visiting my blog...thanks
Hope you did read it?
Because you have a chance on getting Free Cryptos here...
yes, i again read this's really good system.. i like you comment
Reply with your WAVES address then you can actually get Free Crypto Assets...
je mag zijn blommen altijd in mijn vaas steken hoor :-)
Haha hetzelfde geldt voor mij ;)
Great post! Well substantiated information, definitely i like your crypto-currency....upvoted
Did you read it? It is a free Crypto handout...
definitely i read your post.but i appreciate your, i wait for next part..thanks
next parts ?? you want to have more flowers ?
If you want the free TULIP you might want to reply with a WAVES address now. ;-)
lol ik dacht ik ga dat helemaal doen zoals het hoort, dus probeer in te loggen op mijn lightwaves acount, het vraagt import of nieuw account , en seed. Nu heb ik al mijn gegevens hier maar het lijkt of het op niets reageert.
Je logged in met het account dat je al had.
ik zit er op :-) op de een of andere manier heb ik 2 accounts gecreeerd, en dan is het een gepuzzel met paswoorden, maar ik heb mijn tulpjes weer bewonderd. Als je nog kunt delen dan ben ik graag weer van de partij. 3PPQerkoD4YFCGp4Wbh8f4gx7H2aJkQEFEa
Congratulations @janine-ariane, you got your TULIP, WAVES and... Well, just look in your Assets. ;-)
ohmy ??? wat is dat ?? :-) ik zie idd meer waves en tulpen , maar ook diamand bitcoin. Als ik lees wat dat is, begrijp ik dat het een clone coin is die komt na de segwit ? En dat voor een vrij hoge waarde ? oh my tijd voor cursus voor dummies again. :-)
Dit is een Asset die ik zelf aangemaakt had al, voor dat er nota bene een echte Diamond Bitcoin splitsing kwam.
Dus wat je er mee kunt weet ik nog niet, maar je hebt ze in ieder geval. Het gaat hier dus om een Asset die ik al gemaakt had voordat er echt een splitsing kwam met die naam.
Is extra kadootje.
klinkt goed :-) al moet ik wel opzoek naar het woord asset. :-)
Let's go for round 2 :)
My address: 3P4gTeYMvW2dBB1v63LPrGbDGJxeESpGRFC
Congratulations @rvanstel, you got your TULIP, WAVES and... Well, just look in your Assets. ;-)
WOW, thanks for the 'little' extra thingy! How can I possibly return the favor?
It is okay, enjoy! :-)
Might as well:
Congratulations @metaboy, you got your TULIP, WAVES and... Well, just look in your Assets. ;-)
Nice, ty. What is this DB memery though? :P
It is my pleasure.
This DB I made before there actually was one announced... It was to inspire the Core developers to do the right thing, but then I got beaten to it.
So now I hand it out for free. :-) If you do not want it, you are free to return them, or give away, spread it out more, let more people get Cryptos, that is one of my goals. ;-)
Will do so soon.
hier is hem :)
alvast bedankt!
Congratulations @englishtchrivy, you got your TULIP, WAVES and... Well, just look in your Assets. ;-)
dank je wel! ik ga kijken !
Graag gedaan! :-)
Top! Donderdag regel ik het!. :-)
My waves address:
Thursday it shall be arranged. :-)
Congratulations @rodino, you got your TULIP, WAVES and... Well, just look in your Assets. ;-)