Think of the man hours that have been devoted to existing in a society that uses currency.
Think about that for a good 20 seconds.
All the blood, sweat, and tears.
The influence it has had per human hour of physical focus is mind boggling.
It has served as a social placeholder for work reimbursement, and simultaneously as an indicator of success in life.exe, if you will.
Thing with money, is the more you have, the easier it is to make.
Naturally the early adopters hodl.
Have insane leverage over mankind's physical focus.
Protect it.
Still ends up being enough of a gift to the world to lead to massive explosions in the technological advancement rates, as well as birth/death rates.
Global connectivity established.
Arguing intensifies. Wealth is cool but value in strong character is more important.
We realize in life, wealth IS value of character.
Realize our money doesn't need to fuel corrupt activities anymore.
That for once we got something drastically right.
As people.
A few geniuses spark moments and what could happen?
Moving forward things will change quicker and quicker, as they always have.
To the degree in which we place our awareness on them.
Cryptos will change the world.
I'm probably talking to what will be referred to as early adopters.
In what... a decade?
We can use cryptos to ease social distress.
Decentralize, even monetize sound moral ideas...
Or destroy ourselves.