Etheremon Special Discord Mode — How to get started

in #cryptogame6 years ago


Welcome to Etheremon Special Discord Mode — SURPRISES FROM THE SKY.

From today, a mystery crate which contain a random prize (a.k.a Supply Drop) will be drop randomly (in random channel). All Mon-Seekers have to looking for it right after they receive a message in memes-fanart-contest Channel. The first one who spot the Crate and solve the CODE to unlock, will receive a prize inside it.

” So, how can we actually play it ? “

It’s easy, just follow these example below.

Please take a note that this Supply Drop will be appears randomly.

The Supply Drop will appear like this. A member from Etheremon Team will post an image below and tag everyone in, so players can easy notice when the event appears.


After players received this message, they have to go and search in every channels of Etheremon Discord to find the Mystery Crate.

The mystery crate will look like this:


Etheremon Team Member will be there and wait for the player who give a correct answer

When player solved the question on the mystery crate, it will open and player will received a message like the image below.

Note: Etheremon Team Member will post this image with the name of player who’s have a correct answer.

After opened the Crate, player might need to send their Ethaddress to Etheremon Team Member so they can send the prize to player.

About the Supply Drop. There’ll be 3 type of Crates.


1 Star


Difficulty Level: Bwahahaha!

Prize Level: You can buy a candy with this prize.


2 Stars


Difficulty Level: You don’t need to be Einstein

Prize Level: Enough to survive till the end of the month.


3 Stars


Difficulty Level: Pain in the ass

Prize Level: BillGate( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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NOTE: The first one who found the crate but gave a wrong answer = Failed. If there is more than 1 player found the crate, then the first one who give a correct answer will claim that crate.

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Well, That’s it. What are you waiting for ? GO! Join the Discord and find the mystery crate quick, the plane is on its way!
