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RE: Graduating The University Of Dunning-Kruger - Smart Enough To Be Dumb

Wonderful article indeed. Humans have this penchant for marketing their Unknowingness as Knowingness. And the less they really know the more they fear the uncertainty, even though uncertainty itself comes about with no attachment at all to definite outcome. In this way we can easily see how prone Humans' mind is, as fear and negative mindset rise in accordance with uncertainty. In this mode we imply and radiate our victimhood to our life circumstances: Everything is happening against us, not for us.

If we instead cultivate our Intuition we are much better off. As it sees what lies without the eye, opposed to our negativity- attached ego which only sees what lies within the eye.

From my viewpoint "real Knowingness" doesn't exist, because many things we assume to know change as our perception changes. So Knowingness is never stagnant but always shifting on an individual as well as collective level. On top of that, the term "real" describes a steady state, hence it is changeless. Yet when our perception changes constantly and with it our Knowingness, then it cannot be ultimately real. Thus, real Knowingness doesn't exist! We cannot really know anything! ;)