Yeah it's a biggie :-)
It is a valid question, however the answer is boring, it's an NP problem for a computer, meaning it can't be solved in less time than the age of the universe.
Yeah it's a biggie :-)
It is a valid question, however the answer is boring, it's an NP problem for a computer, meaning it can't be solved in less time than the age of the universe.
Plus yeah, the difference between a million and a billion really impressed me the first time I truly comprehended it. :-)
We in Portugal call your billion a thousand of a million, and a billion is 1000 of those.
Not boring to me. Couldn't be better. I'm feeling dead impressed with myself for asking a valid question that is an NP problem for a computer. Can't wait to boast about it to my son.
It'll be fine as long as he doesn't ask me what NP means! null problem? no point? non performance? 😁😁😁
Hahaha, yes quick, it stands for non-polynomial (time), meaning it can't be solved in a reasonable amount of time, take of the non, and it can be solved :-)
I'm copying and pasting that @cryptogee. Going to find a way to use it.
Wish I knew it last Saturday. This bloke was banging on about the block chain. Determined to demonstrate his superior knowledge. If I could have thrown a bit of NP into the conversation I could have floored him!
'Course you always run the risk that they'll come back with something else and you end up looking a complete numpty! 😁