There are a couple different types of racist trolls. Ones that meet the original definition of what it once meant to be racist, and ones that fit into that new definition where everything is racist. I prefer the more sophisticated trolls, who aren't racist, but also won't be cowed into not speaking their mind. The funny thing is, people like Paul Watson; he's trolling social justice warriors hardcore, and all he's doing is speaking his mind. Basically, like the king has no clothes allegory. Everyone knew it in their minds, but they didn't want to say it out loud because they were terrified of the consequences. We shouldn't have to be afraid to express ourselves with the words that are rattling around in our heads.
The US is a little more laid back than the UK but the shift that they tried to implement, it happened to quickly, so much so that they're simply going to fail at their agenda. Unless their agenda was to simply move the overton window. What you said about giving social justice a bad name, makes me think that their may be a different type of social justice advocate who doesn't engage in insane zealotry? In my mind this is social justice. When I first saw that clip it was funny and ridiculous, but then things started happening here in the U.S. Things that mirrored the types of things that happened in that ridiculous video. Like for example the shrieking girl at Yale who was flipping out over Halloween costumes, or the incident at Evergreen State college.
The crazy part is social justice warriors would accept me with open arms if I identified as an multidimensional unicorn. So it's all about catering to what people think they are, yet the moment you say something unpopular you are to be crucified. It's just a bunch of mind boggling weirdness to me. But yeah I agree. I don't like real racism, bigotry, or random acts of violence. One of the biggest problems with the social justice movement is that they believe that words that hurt their feelings is the same as violence, and they believe that they can defend themselves from words that they don't like with physical violence. I think they're minds are being intentionally sabotaged.
Wind-up toys that explode when they bump into something. Imagine if instead of teaching social justice, the colleges taught the philosophy of liberty. Magical things would have happened!
"Give me just one generation of youth, and I'll transform the whole world."
― Vladimir Lenin