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RE: What Am I?

in #cryptogee-musings7 years ago (edited)

As an outsider looking in, I'd say you are living the dream. However I have also been an entrepreneur, but I do not know the history on that word (yet). What I do know is it is hard work to carve out a living on your own, and while I indicated that you could put "Living the Dream" on a business card, I also know there is more to it. I often found while Living the Dream, that I had much longer hours than with a typical job. However, at other times I had more leisure.

A quick peek at Wikipedia for the history of the word entrepreneur is interesting. It relates to commerce in France, and an adventurer in Britain. It is associated with classical economics including the work of Irish-French economist Richard Cantillon in the 17th and 18th centuries. Cantillon defined the term as a person who pays a certain price for a product and resells it at an uncertain price, i.e. crypottraders :-) .

It is interesting that In the 20th century entrepreneurship was studied by Austrian economist including Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich von Hayek.


Wikipedia goes on to sub-catorgize the term and it gets complicated, but I get the impression that you are an Entrepreneur ...maybe a Cryptopreneur


Great answer; as you correctly point out living the dream often requires long hours, no holidays or luxuries. I love the evolution of the word entrepreneur, and in some part of the descriptions I relate to the word, others I don't.

Thanks for the link, I think I may disappear down that particular rabbit hole for awhile :-)
