or promotional purposes; And the reach and use of the Internet and ICT as a knowledge
sharing tool will continue to elude many poor Africans if new and effective methodologies are not adapted to suit and/or mitigate these constraints. The reasons for
this are not far-fetched;Cryptogene white paper at your fingertips http://www.cryptogene.co/uploads/1/0/8/4/108490073/cryptogene_whitepaper.pdf Many organizations in Africa only appear to utilize the Internet as a tool for marketing
- Many organizations (CSOs) in Africa often work for groups which do not have the
infrastructure, capacity and facilities to exploit the benefits of the Internet and
ICT. To reach these groups more traditional methods of knowledge sharing need
to be used such as face-to-face meetings, public seminars, outreach groups, radio
programmes and paper publications (1) (2). - The capacity of these groups to apply, promote and monitor the use of online
knowledge sharing tools is often still relatively low. - The use of the Internet as a knowledge sharing resource is often further
hampered by the cultural and social, and stereotypical perception of most
recipients in Africa (1) (2).
The Solution: As a result of lapses with information dissemination, knowledge
sharing, monetary integration, economic impediments and other socioeconomic
disadvantages common with African nations, Cryptogene aims at a multi-platform hub
that supports cross-border learning, usage, and development of blockchain tools for
individual and organizational goals. These it aims to achieve via the following tools: - Physical offline awareness via Summits, Seminars, trainings, and User oriented
programs, like the Cryptogene Ambassadorial program. - Online awareness via Cryptogene-Learn (DIGEST) and Cryptogene-Talk (Spiel)
- Mass media information dissemination channels such as Radio, Newspaper and
Television - Information sharing via other channels such as Schools and other institutional
bodies - Business support, and development and integration via Cryptogene-Build (SILK),
Cryoptogene-Mart (BlockMART), Cryptogene-Ex (HAVENE) and
Cryptogene-token (CGT).
The Cryptogene Multi-Platform hub will be tokenized to elicit commitment and keep
interest alive among users. The Cryptogene Token, CGT will be the base currency. http://Cryptogene.co