I am glad that CryptoKitties have taken over Ethereum. Everyone knew they didn't have enough horse power, and now it is has just become obvious to everyone.
We should do CryptoPuppies on steem. You would just have to do a weird hash / encoding to put the puppies into the graphene block.
Or, maybe we should do CryptoSloths. There have been several who have stated desires for such.
But anyway, the interface is more of the hard part. You have to let steemians view their sloths in a way they can interact with them. A blog post about what your sloth is doing (nothing) is really boring.
ETH is in an emerging project and in development, like EVERY other cyptocurrency. Many face scalability challenges and are addressing them. Are you happy when Bitcoin's network is bogged down too?
I'm wondering which alts you may be diversified in to be happy and cheerlead when ETH's network has a hiccup. I wonder if their promises of superior scalability work out when they have enough demand on their network to qualify.
I'm also not sure how you knew that "everyone" was aware that ETH network didn't have enough horsepower, but that's impressive.
I am unsure if you are being honest or patronizing.
Etherium has had trouble with its throughput power almost every time a new coin was offered that used it. And we are no where near the early adopter phase yet. If we look back on etherium's throughput, from 10 years in the future, we will not even be able to see these new coin offerings, without zooming in really close.
Talks about why EOS was designed, the functionality it is supposed to deliver is because of the shortcomings in Etherium that were being seen more than a year ago.
So, from my view, Etherium has run into its limitations a lot, and I haven't heard anything from the Etherium team that sounds like, "we just did this and increased our processing by 10x". You hear lots of rumblings about bitcoin. It is the reason we now have bitcoin gold and bitcoin cash.