Cryptokitties - new fancy ideas?

in #cryptokitties7 years ago (edited)

Right now there are 10 types of fancy cat types found, with 2-4 more on the way.
(the valentine cat mr.purrfect will pop up soon, and there's artwork for the maneki-neko floating around)
But that's just the beginning, the developers said there will be hundreds of fancies!
There's plenty of cattribute combinations nobody has tried so far.
After the Japanese (negato/momo) and Chinese (lion and dogcat incoming this month, I believe), I expect we might see a Korean one.
Apart from the obvious dragon, how about the mascot for the current winter olympics? :)

Better hold on to these tigerpunks ^_^ Well, actually, I have 0 of them...
But calicool+luckystripe can make some (through mutation).