Ethereum doesn't have scalability of Bitshares and will come to a halt if the platform keeps on growing, especially at the rate it is going right now, we will see the same effect we are seeing with Bitcoins! Two aspects to it, loads of other people, companies and platforms are moving to the BTS environment as the are infinitely scalable and the fastest out there! Second part, would you like to have to pay more and more fees to gatekeepers to access freedom???
What a tidal wave of Kitties!!! It is mind-blowing to consider the size of it...
Thanks a lot for all these updates, you are on the ball! Thanks, namaste :)
🐱 ETH Killed by Kittens?
I wonder why people buy cats with ethereum. Ethereum has long way to go. Don't loose ethereum for online cats !!!
LOL!!! O.k., so far this is my favourite meme on the contest theme EOS, Kittens and Ethereum! This one is worth sharing, thanks a bunch! Namaste :)