Fun video. I was into Cryptokitties for quite awhile. So much of what people thought they owned was not on the blockchain. They owned an entry on the blockchain. The graphics and some other traits, like "likes", fancy cats, limited numbered cats, all that in just on their website not the blockchain. Good explanation in video.
This is so informative. I am new for here, some friends talk me that you have post so good
Thank your friends for me please, I’m doing the best I can to bring you “only useful information” 😊Welcome to Steemit @petrarodriguez.
i learn from your post new knowledge..
thanks dear @melip @upvote & @resteem
@Upvote and @resteem...!
Cool video gotta watch more of Vox videos on youtube thanks for the referral
its an amazing video..
thank you..@melip @upvote & @resteem done
thanks for share such type of post dear.
@upvote & @resteem done
you always share some informative news..
thanks @melip @upvote & @resteem dear
great friend
thanks for the reference
good video
Thanks for all the information taht you give us!
buen vídeo querida, gracias por mantenernos informados siempre
Very interesting indeed. Thank for sharing it with us #informativepost
excelente vídeo amiga, gracias por compartir
very good video @melip
@melip I am big fan of your update post.Upvote and resteem done
Fun video. I was into Cryptokitties for quite awhile. So much of what people thought they owned was not on the blockchain. They owned an entry on the blockchain. The graphics and some other traits, like "likes", fancy cats, limited numbered cats, all that in just on their website not the blockchain. Good explanation in video.
its an initiative post..
thanks @melip for the information @upvote & @resteem
day by day i acquire more & more update news from you...
thank you my dear..
@upvote & @resteem done
Gracias Edgar. 👍
muy buena informacion bro
Wow .. amazing ... you never know what people will find value in or what type of value they would place on something.
Thanks for the info.
Nice chatting with you 👍
Nice chatting with you as well. Thanks for the video.
Cryptokitties muy interesante el proyecto @melip
Saludos amigo =)