XND cryptocurrency working on CryptoNote anonymous technology and also peer-to-peer technology. It is updated by using an untraceable encrypted messaging system based on blockchain deposits. Also, there is a difference when to compare with other coins as it uses ASIC-resistant PoW mining process for its central authority. DigitalNote network is 2.5x faster than Bitcoin. As per the official website, the nobody owns this cryptocurrency, while this is used to be called duckNote XND and later DarkNote XND.
In the beginning of 2018, the XDN was priced at $0.021 USD, in the first week of 2017, it has the value of $0.000095. In that time, the market capitalization valued at $531,086, now it is $564,003,208 USD on 6th January.
How to buy DigitalNote XDN?
Go the exchange sites like HitBTC, Poloniex, and BitTrex. (You can buy DigitalNote from various exchanges and in different currencies.)
DigitalNote XDN features:
- Truly annonymous;
- Instant Encrypted Messages;
- Blockchain Deposits;
- Blockchain analysis resistant;
- Libertarian economy;
- Secure and ASIC-resistant;
- Open Source;
- Fair and decentralized.
For more details, visit the official website http://digitalnote.org/
About the rise in price it's a bit too early to confirm whether it will keep the moving average up, as we've seen no new announcement by DigitalNote team and it happened the same a few days ago e later on the price dropped drastically.
Are you going for it? Just be cautious :)
Source: https://www.worldhab.com/digitalnote-xdn-price-rises-40-high-in-1-hour-more-than-200-in-1-day/
Beautiful post ,Keep up the nice work ^^