According to the Coin Market Cap these are the Top 10 cryptocurrencies in order of their market capitalization:
Name / Market Cap / Price / Available Supply / Volume (24h)
1 Bitcoin / $9,612,742,921 / $605.60 / 15,873,168 BTC / $41,723,500
2 Ethereum / $1,063,270,654 / $12.65 / 84,066,972 ETH / $9,349,760
3 Ripple / $252,489,168 / $0.007121 / 35,457,828,433 * / $4,361,150
4 Litecoin / $180,955,706 / $3.80 / 47,599,004 LTC / $1,312,540
5 Monero / $118,323,008 / $9.16 / 12,916,894 XMR / $5,668,860
6 Ethereum Classic / $109,997,286 / $1.31 / 84,025,121 ETC / $1,307,090
7 Steem / $80,180,157 / $0.548785 / 146,104,862 STEEM / $230,331
8 Dash / $79,643,455 / $11.81 / 6,745,615 DASH / $397,970
9 NEM / $47,590,290 / $0.005288 / 8,999,999,999 XEM * / $72,943
10 Factom // $28,523,327 / $3.26 / 8,753,219 FCT * / $500,308
- Not mineable.
With this table of the top 10 cryptocurrencies posted on 170916 you can have a comparison in time, of the price, value and ranking position of this currencies, wich can be useful to identify an opportunity to mine, buy or sell any of these coins.
Wish you the best in your crypto minig and trading.
The actual full list of the 774 actual digital currencies ranking positions are updated every 24 hours on this site so you can take a look at it whenever you want to make your analysis and decisions.
Which cryptocurrency did you invest in by chance? If you have, why that currency?
Now I am new in Steem and this is my first post, and learning the details on how can I mine it too.
What is your experience in cryptocurrencies?
kind regards.
Daniel.Hello Hanamana I have invested in the leader Bitcoin, the second one Ethereum and in the #8 Dash. I've invested in some hash rate on the mining farms Genesis Mining and Hash Flare #1 and #2 respectively, in my opinion best mining farms, which has give me good results considering the long term in the mining contracts, and the promissory of the coins in time. Also I have 2 computers and 2 smartphones mining with no previous investment, in 7 of 13 different currencies like Monero, Bytecoin, FantomCoin, QuazarCoin, DigitalNote, MonetaVerde, Aeon, Ethereum, EthereumClassic among others. With this free download App
No experience in mining. Read my 1st article was yours. Do you know or have written an article or videos showing step by step how to mine and invest in profitable cryptocurrencies?