
Chris Duane, bla, bla, bla.. this guys brain dead!. @sgtreport Your the Man! don't believe that PP's will be used as currencies. Yes Silver will go thru the roof with all the new technologies coming out soon.
But Crypto's will dominate and control the world... hands down! 100%

Chris has lost all credit with me after hearing him talk about nothing but shit?? what a crack smoking Clueless idiot.

The game Monopoly has always been the best game to teach how one person can control the game/ the system becomes easily rigged.

The Rothchild's and their QuadTrillions should all burn in the fires of the homeless.

Be watchful for a man made Earthquake to be used as why the banks all shut down.

Chris shows his ignorance; says Crypto's are made from Nothing? what? No Inherent value? whats this guy shooting into his arm?
No content, No purpose, No power to operate, No programmers, No function

If your Silver has USA on it, it will be confiscated! Whom who made it own's it.

Just like Birth Certificates; who created it and gave it to you? Government own's Citizens.

Follow Opera, Steven Segal and others.... Denounce your Citizenship and become a free human being.

First Chris says "Who in their right mind would keep their bullion at home?"
Now come on folks? that's not bullshit! that's HORSE SHIT! Most of us keep our PP's at home with our guns, DUMB-ASS !
then not 2min's later Chris says "Everyone should hold physical Silver". where then? in the banks?
What a Dinasour mentality this guy has... Crypto's will come to humanity's rescue when the banks take their planned Bank Holiday in 2018!

Only thing Chris is correct about is the automation of Jobs.. Automated tellers already, fast-food restraunts will become 85% automated, then truck drivers by the 100,000's will be next.
Humanity is being slowly fazed out. Unless you rise up and shut down this Monopoly!

....are U a clown?

...spammin' for profit?

Its ok to not like someone else's comments but to call it SPAM is completely FALSE and bad behavior on Steemit.

Look up Non Sequitur.
It's Latin.
I don't like spam and it appears that's what you're doin' btw.