Get free crypto daily without doing anything

in #cryptos8 years ago (edited)

Hi everyone,

I found this site called qoinpro, registered since 2014, from where you can get several different cryptos daily by just being a member of the site. You don't have to login everyday; you don't have to do boring stuff like solving captcha or clicking ads. You just signup, and cryptos will start adding to your Quinpro portfolio everyday.

These are the cryptos that you will get daily, and the percentage of the coins increase day by day. They also plan to add more cryptos. 

  • Bitcoin
  • Dash
  • Litecoin
  • Peercoin
  • Neo
  • Dogecoin
  • Earthcoin
  • Virtacoin
  • Feathercoin

...and few more....

Initially, there were only three cryptocurrencies, BTC, LTC and FTC (Feathercoin), but now, there are 13. 

Quinpro is in beta stage, so it is a good time to join. However, don't deposit any crypto in it.


Sorry to inform you this website is not worth the effort. It sounds to good to be true, who does not want free crypto.

When I saw an ad for this in 2014, I jumped on it straight away.
If it was not for your post I might have completely forgot about this site.
From 2014 till now have not signed into this site and guess what??
Check the balances after 3 years just leaving the account standing.

So register and use if you want to, but I think it's a wasted effort.

Thanks @diebaasman. The image is not very clear. Can you post it again? Or send it on FB?

OK, now I see the image. You have 73% bonus. I don't understand, but I think it is not bad just to signup. We don't lose anything, not even our time.

yeah they even had like 8 months where they completely shut down, but apparently are under new management. this is just another MLM/ponzi scheme that is impossible to earn without 100 refs, and they end up selling your email to spam bots.

Lets try this one too. I made an account following your link :)

Read FAQ. You can also let your family members signup from the same IP address. I think, 3 accounts per household are allowed. But research about it first. Good luck :)

What's the strategy behind the app? Wht

to never earn enough to withdraw

Yeah that is basically what I meant. Never earn enough to earn, minimum withdrawal will always be to high to withdraw.

Trusted! already joined

Withdraw proof u can see at just scroll up