Across the internet many folks are speculating about, and cryptos. Some believe they will soon start excepting Bitcoin, Litecoin, and possibly other cryptos on Amazon. That of course would be very bullish in my opinion. Others are speculating may soon create their own crypto currency exchange. The speculation comes from Amazon purchasing the following domains:
Who knows what is true, it certainly would not surprise me if Amazon moved forward with one, or both.
Here is another thought. Why wouldn't Amazon create their own crypto currency? Let's keep it simple, and call it the AmazonCoin. Think about this idea for a moment. There would be immediate demand for the coin as Amazon is one of, if not the largest online retailer in the world. In fact capital would rush to the AmazonCoin because of the ability to immediately purchase everyday goods on Amazon. Expanding on this, with Amazon's recent purchase of Wholefoods, the AmazonCoin could be used for both, and Wholefoods. Quite honestly demand for this coin could be overwhelming, and quickly gain a massive market cap.
Obviously this is all pure speculation, but if there is a company in position to maximize their own crypto it's Below is an article from regarding Amazon, and exchanges.