You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:
They put in tons of effort to grow there mine to that point probably doing serveys and refering new users to the site in masses.It should be referring instead of refering.
You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:
They put in tons of effort to grow there mine to that point probably doing serveys and refering new users to the site in masses.It should be referring instead of refering.
Thier is more then one or too words who's proper usage is not done by me often without not having some difficulties. I will take not some people dont like the refers it can be expensive and illegal in some states to try to get more refers refering with you. Referring referrals is what I was aiming to do. Now I have a bunch of stoners and I don't sell pot. This puts me in a wierd spot. LOL. Please I do need the help. When it comes to grammer I confuse Grammarly. I am better at math. It is the engineer in me. I took the same college level English 3 times and then I was done. ! 1!k3 t0 wr!t3 w!th NVN783r5 VVh3!V ! C4!V. 1t5 N70R3 FV!V.