Conquering My Fears

in #cryptp7 years ago (edited)


Let’s start the conversation.

Hello to everyone and let me first introduce myself!

I have a background in hospitality, business management, and marketing. For the life of me I could never find an industry that I was passionate about to pursue. I mean, I love to help people, but... in my own way. So what exactly is my way? Well, it may not be by the book, but it consists of looking BEYOND the surface level to see past the outside. I look to serve people from the inside!

I practice letting go of what is seen by the eye and instead going by what is felt in the heart and spirit. The simple sayings, “Just let go,” or, “Let it flow,” are the guidelines of my life. I remember spending years dreaming about one day standing before a group of people with a message that would move many.

Then...block-chain and cryptocurrency caught my attention.

So, really, THIS BLOCKCHAIN THING is a public ledger that displays transactions from the sender to the receiver. The transaction is permanent and cannot be erased. The transaction is also visible to all that are in the network and can be verified. A quicker and more efficient way to track and receive assets anywhere from money, music, literature, private documents and much more. So, that means, I can send a payment with no middle man!

You’ve heard of Pay Pal, Cash App, and Google Wallet. I personally prefer google wallet because there are no fees, but something much greater is happening! Something world changing. A revolution, where people decide to take back control of their assets, where millionaires are popping up overnight, where financial freedom is actually in sight.

Bitcoin, Altcoins, etc? What is all that? These are the keys to our financial future! Technology is always changing at a vast rate. Trends come and go. Businesses open and close, but, we are in a pivotal place in time where block-chain technology is changing the way we do business. Saving industries billions of dollars, and creating a demand for developers, miners, and startup companies.

Block-Chain is bringing society together like never before, which is what my purpose is in this world. I came here to Enlighten, Empower and Encourage the human race to step outside of mediocrity, disrupt the flow that someone else told you was the way to flow, and find your own current that directs you to a path that best suits you.

I get excited educating others in this space. Most off all, I love the freedom in this space. The Crypto sphere consists of a community of risk takers, pioneers, and leaders. The atmosphere is uplifting and vibrant. People are optimistic, open to helping and sharing with one another, and coming together on one accord.

My vison and mission has always been, “Each One, Teach One.” It is not until I came into this space, did I meet other like minds. I noticed my vision was a part of someone else’s vision. We do not have to reinvent the wheel because the blueprint had already been laid! It’s okay not to know, because honestly, no one knows for sure what tomorrow may bring... which is why it’s called a forecast. I’ve found my space, my place of comfort, and my mission is to help you find yours!

I am confident and willing to guide anyone who is seeking knowledge and direction while giving words of encouragement. There have been many motivators and influencers that have helped me on my journey.

Luuvie Ajayi said in a TED Talk,, “Fear has a concrete power that keeps us from saying and doing the things in our purpose. Awesome things start happening and domino's start to fall once you face those fears."

Ashley Henry, who wrote an article called, "Afrofuturism in Real Time," touched on a major soft spot for me in this Cryptospace, why no one looked like me. Why were there little to no African American woman represented on the top lists of women in cryptocurrency? My answer,...Because I had not claimed it yet!

Now last, but definitely not least, my right hand woman, also my best friend, Jessica Henderson, who continuously encourages me to be in my greatness. There are times when I am in doubt or allow myself to get overwhelmed with the role I have taken on in this space, but she has been there as my voice of reason and has kept me grounded in my foundation.

Well, I am here, writing this post, so take that fear.

Be In Peace.

"Once we as people can grasp hold of our place of peace and hold on to it, is when the doors, windows, buses, boats, you name it, of opportunities start to flow." –Kendra Emeruem


Welcome.....Good read....Thanks for the introduction....

Thanks for reading