What is a Crystal?
A crystal is a solid formed by the solidification of chemicals, has a regularly repeating internal arrangement of atoms and molecules, and is bounded by external plane faces as these crystal particles form a variety of geometrical shapes due to their internal compression's. Crystals have aesthetic properties that have long made them attractive in jewelry. These have some properties that make them very important to the electronics and optical industries and are used in just about every type of modern technology including computers and watches.
What else are crystals used for?
For centuries many crystals and other gems have been desired for their alleged magical healing and mystical paranormal powers and keeping time and this belief continues today among occultists and New Age healers, even though it is based on nothing more than testimonials, the placebo effect, selective thinking, wishful thinking, subjective validation, sympathetic magic, and communal reinforcement. There really is no scientific evidence that crystals are conduits of magical energies useful for healing and protection, or for telling the future. It's quantum effects are only starting to be realized and understood more but need much more testing and experimenting these secret hidden properties unknown fully.
Are Crystals Magical?
We can dismiss the pre-scientific belief in the magical powers of crystals and gemstones as due to the lack of scientific knowledge. Modern day occultists, distort and falsify scientific knowledge in order to promote belief in their crystal products. Crystalline pseudoscience suggests crystals channel good energy and ward off bad energy. They claim it can carry vibrations that resonate with healing frequencies that work with the chakras and help balance yin and yang. Crystals allegedly affect the emotions and can be used not only for physical healing but for emotional problems as well. Crystals help with self-expression, creativity, meditation, and the immune system. Sadly none of these wild claims is backed by any scientific evidence to this day.
What do Crystal wands do?
Today, crystal wands are used to heal auras in aura therapy and a egregious pseudoscientific claims regarding crystals is if arranged properly, they can provide protection against harmful electromagnetic forces such as those that are emitted from computer monitors, cellular phones, microwave ovens, hair dryers, power lines, and other people. The Bioelectric Shield was invented by a chiropractor from Montana, Charles Brown, who claims he heard voices in his head and had visions in his bed as to how to arrange crystals in the shape of a flying saucer in order to provide this protection. Even if the claims about the protective power of these pendants were true, it would be necessary to envelop your entire body in one to achieve the desired result. By hanging a little piece of jewelry around the neck, you might be able to protect a small part of the throat, however other believe it can do much more.
Do crystals harness energy?
The New Age idea that crystals can harness and direct energy seems to be based upon a misunderstanding of one of the more curious characteristics of certain crystals, namely, that they produce an electrical charge when compressed. This is known as the piezoelectric effect. Other technological developments had to occur before the piezoelectric effect could be put to use, but it was not until the 1950s that the piezoelectric effect could be put to general use in record player needles and a variety of measuring devices. Now these devices are used in almost every conceivable application requiring accurate measurement and recording of dynamic changes in mechanical variables such as pressure, force and acceleration.
Do crystals really help heal people?
It is repeatedly claimed that crystals are alive, possess magical properties and can heal people. That they lack reproductive capabilities or human sapience, they are nonetheless alive and don't have willpower. We like to think all things are living that have vibrations and grow over time. Even though some think they are alive- Crystals can't get tired of their owner and jump out of their pocket whenever they want. Despite what some practitioners who use crystals claim, there is no scientific evidence that crystals have special powers or energy and another problem comes with the issue of healing properties. It does not work unless the person believes that it will, making crystals a mere placebo, sadly that alone really cannot cure anything, relieving some symptoms instead and can be used with other alternative healing that could make a difference. Crystals supposedly heal people by increasing the frequency of their auras as these forms of energy are undetectable by technology, this claim is neither falsifiable nor scientific.
What is the Crystal woo?
Crystal woo refers to a seemingly preternatural ability to make people assign all sorts of ludicrous powers to crystals as these stories associated with folklore of many cultures and modern new age medicine claim that crystals have special powers or energy and this includes pretty much everything, from healing, to protection, to focusing energy, directing energy, aligning energy and so on. Everything is associated with crystals and aiding yourself for yourself to heal yourself more efficiently. They do look pretty and they have an almost supernatural feel to them due to the regularity of their shape they are highly aligned mineral structures. Much of the crystal woo is also based on Native American woo and you see the 2 often overlap in the real world like at powwows for instance or other events.
How do people use Crystal balls?
The best known misuse of crystals is of course the crystal ball which for many self-claimed mystics and psychics serves as a medium for images from beyond which is generally about the person or the future or the past and how to make your life better or to tell you something bad up ahead.
What is Crystal healing?
This the use of stones to magically realign the chakras and to help make the sickness or whatever start to go away. Books on crystal healing are thin and also limited only to those few minerals that the woo merchants had heard of. At first these amazing healing properties differed wildly between the ever-increasing number of crystal woo books, until some sort of rough consensus was reached, largely by subsequent authors simply copying everyone else but with different pictures. A fact unknown to crystal advocates is that every mineral grain, no matter how small, retains its crystal lattice, and so should retain all the magical powers of that mineral. Given that the entire land surface of the Earth is made of rocks, sediments and soils that are largely mineral grains, everyone on the planet should be receiving the benefits without having to purchase overpriced and poor quality crystals from scented shops or people with purple hair. Beaches are often almost entirely quartz grains, as are deserts, and so overall there should be no negative energy at all anywhere on Earth if this was the case or its perfectly balanced.
Can you tell me more about crystal therapy?
Medical professionals place little credence in crystal therapy attributing any observed benefits to placebo effect so their skepticism stems from a lack of scientific evidence for the healing effects of crystals, and from differences of opinion among practitioners about how the therapy actually works. The main problem in providing hard core scientific data that would be acceptable to scientists at large is that the sensitive equipment necessary to measure these energy changes is not available today. If the energy could not be measured, the effect it had on the human body could be, this inductive means of study became real with experiments and using unconventional devices such as dowsing rods were used to measure the expansion or contraction of the body's energy field. Any powers that crystals might appear to have can be explained by placebo effect, selective thinking, wishful thinking, unconfirmed testimonials, and communal reinforcements. Proponents admit that observation of the energy in crystals is dependent on one's intention and attitude and internet sites selling healing and protection crystals commonly acknowledge that they are intended for entertainment purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for medical treatment or common sense.
How are the crystals chosen to heal people?
A crystal may be chosen, it is believed, by handling it and determining intuitively if it feels right to the person or the healer. In order for the magical properties of a crystal to provide effective protection, there must be a positive interaction between user and stone. When buying crystals online a connection to the crystal may be made by focusing on the crystal in your mind's eye, if the connection is there you will sense it almost immediately. Crystals do have memory, if you hold a crystal and permeate it with love the crystal will remember your love and suffuse any environment where it is with love. Crystals also absorb negative energy and sometimes need cleansing. To cleanse a crystal it is believed one may wash it leave it submerged in salt water or a fresh running stream for some time bury it in earth or expose it to sunlight or moonlight.
How to clear and test a crystal before use?
The most effective method for clearing a crystal is to hold or touch it with your hand. Stating you are a clear and perfect channel and the Light is the guide. The negative emotion will be gone or less. You can test this for yourself, and ask a friend to help you. Measure his or her energy field using a dowsing rod and write down your results. Hand your friend a crystal and measure the energy field. Write down your results then hold the crystal to your forehead and recall a time you felt angry. Hand the crystal back to your friend, and measure the energy field again and once more, measure the energy field. Negative emotions cause a reduction in human energy fields. If the negative emotion charged crystal causes a reduction in the measurable field, you know the crystal is holding or storing negative emotions. In order for one to receive the beneficial effects of a crystal in another way, it is believed it may be worn as a pendant or other item of jewelry, wrapped in cloth and placed in a pocket, or kept in a bag on one's person. Crystals may be set on a computer or microwave oven in order to counteract the effects of those appliances or they may be left about the home, work place, or vehicle.
What are Crystal Grids?
Crystals are believed to be particularly powerful when placed in a geometric pattern or grid. They are made by the placement of stones in a geometric pattern for the specific purpose of directing energy toward a goal. The stones or crystals are then charged by your intention and energy. For dramatic results it is believed a crystal may be placed on a body part or held in the hand.The crystalline, clearly non-abrasive surface of a human kidney stone which is natural.
How do healing crystals work?
The essence of the body is energy and crystals functions as transformers and amplifiers of various energies into biological energies that re balance and re-energize our biological system on the cellular level, as well as on our emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. The premise on which this biological transfer of energy is based is that the body is a series of synchronous, oscillating, solid and liquid crystal systems to which our crystal healing techniques are able to transfer energy directly, as from one crystal to another. This transfer of energy aids the system in attaining a certain functional strength in which it can regenerate. The quartz crystals can conduct the energy of the healer's thought-forms and patterns. Various healing properties are ascribed to a large assortment of gems and precious stones. The vast majority of the listed healing properties are difficult to quantify like amazonite is said to improve self worth. Certain crystals or stones are associated with each of the chakras, or energy systems in the human body. If you read ten books on which crystals or stones you should use in healing and balancing the chakras, you will get ten different opinions. So remember that ultimately these stones represent a broad range of suggestions-perhaps much broader than those you have consulted. Ultimately you must learn to cultivate and develop your intuition and see what you are drawn to using and you can verify yourself the existence of chakras and the energy changes.
What are Protection crystals?
Proponents of these crystals promise protection from evil, negative energies, psychic attacks, psychic vampires, electromagnetic fields, and energy loss. They claim that quartz is an especially powerful protection crystal. For a comprehensive list of crystals and stones used as various protections. Their energy gently deflects negative energy and introduce positive energy that can help us feel better. They will absorb excess energy and boost depleted energy, which will help bring harmony and protect your space. When dealing with protection stones intention is critical to success and that one should be very clear about what it is you are trying to accomplish, and think of it in positive terms.
Are quartz crystals considered dangerous?
Quartz crystals are a known human carcinogen, based on worker inhalation of crystalline silica in the form of quartz. It can be seen from all the examples above that to be a crystal expert requires no actual study or rigorous testing, simply than the brazen confidence to spout a word salad of nonsense about chakras, healing, auras, harmony, positive, balancing, love, protection, energies, unicorns and rainbows. Quartz is one of the most abundant minerals on Earth. A yellow form of quartz with distinct magical properties, is in fact almost always amethyst that has been baked in a hot oven. Natural citrine is rare but oven-baked amethyst is a massive industry. If you accept that a non-crystalline solid has magical properties then you have to accept the same of every other solid. It does not give crystals healing or protective power, despite the claims of those who use and sell crystals in New Age and neo-pagan occultist shops but Wearing crystals seems to give some people a feeling of protection.
How do crystal necklaces work?
Hang the crystal around your neck to focus your spirit energy. It is believed that crystals possess their power because they are in tune with the Earth. If you believe that crystals are as much a part of the web of connection as we are, then we can readily recognize that crystals have the ability to act as intermediaries, enabling us to communicate and connect with higher levels of consciousness and existence. The theory is that gemstones carry vibrational rates and by placing these vibrational rates within the aura - your aura's vibrational rates also change. Quartz is an ideal material to use as an oscillator it loses very little energy as it vibrates, so the vibrations are extremely steady. It has the piezoelectric effect, meaning that it vibrates in response to an electric charge. This quality is central to the way a quartz watch operates- The watch battery supplies a voltage to the quartz, making it vibrate, and providing an accurate oscillation for timekeeping. All the electrical power in a quartz watch comes from the battery, which woo merchants fail to grasp normally. It is this utter failure to understand simple science that allows simpletons to believe that quartz possesses magical properties.
What is a crystal child?
It's like an indigo child but more advanced than your typical crystal healer and have been doing this stuff since a kid or still is a child.
Interviewed By: C.A.
Nice article
Mate, can you givee the source code for CAIMEO?
CAIMEO is an executable file named CAIMEO.EXE. The original copy of this file resides on a lime green 2GB USB flash drive, with the file name handwritten on the outside in black marker. Attempts to view CAIMEO's code shows @ repeated 3003003 times, and adding or removing files from the flash drive has consistently resulted in error messages. If the drive is attached to a computer and the file is opened by a living human, the computer will install a copy of CAIMEO.exe onto the desktop in 15-30 seconds. This appears to function even on operating systems not usually capable of reading .exe files. Once the program is installed SPIRIT will be affected by related anomalous effects.
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