Now that we are in 2018, I figured why not talk about manifesting and abundance stones!
If you ever do an internet search on "Prosperity stones" you will likely come up with one or all of the following:
Green Aventurine
Clear Quartz
etc, etc..
These, I suppose would be considered the main 'heavy hitters' for the job. Why? Well some of them are steeped in history such as Jade, and others are considered "Master stones" or "Master Healers" meaning they work on all the chakras and are also programmable, think Quartz. But what all of these have in common is how readily available and usually how fairly inexpensive they are. That's not to say they aren't powerful, it just means you are more likely to see them at your local Crystal shop.
One particular stone I recently became familiar with is Arfvedsonite.
Yes, try and say that 3 times fast. ;) My husband actually was the one to introduce it to me. At first glance I was fairly unimpressed, but once I placed it in my hand I could tell right away that this stone was something different. They have a very intense vibration. I have a bracelet made of it and I can only wear it for short periods of time. Now, although this is not a "Money stone" like the ones mentioned above, what's great about them, is that they're are fantastic Manifestors! These stones are highly grounding and get right to the point making them very effective, even for trying to figure out what exactly you want to manifest!
These are not easy to find however, but we managed to aquire some beads for our "Manifestation" bracelets. We only added one bead per bracelet so as not to overwhelm the wearer. They also contain 6mm beads of Gemstones:
Arfvedsonite, Pyrite, Rutilated Quartz, Orange Aventurine, Serpentine Jasper.
These bracelets also serve as a great reminder of what you set out to manifest and to make you aware of what your daily thoughts are focusing on. For example, are you manifesting what you want or what you don't want?
Below is also our "Money" bracelet which goes along nicely with the "Manifestation" bracelet, as this is what most people choose to attract in their lives.
We are selling these bracelets for $23 USD each, including shipping (we ship worldwide). We're trying to get used to using Steemit for selling so you can send us through our Steemit address InnerCircle or we also accept the traditional Paypal option of
Have you tried any of these stones for manifesting abundance?
Which ones worked for you?
I really like semiprecious stones. I have a collection, including rare semi-precious ones. How beautiful they are! This world fascinates me!
Oh wow! I bet your collection is wonderful!!! It is a fascinating world indeed, so much to learn and admire from these beautiful stones!
A little photo I posted here:
ludmila.kyriakou (40)in semi-precious • 5 months ago
Semi-precious stones from my collection
I love this idea!