CARNELIAN “Power Stone for Confidence and Action"

in #crystals7 years ago (edited)


“Power Stone for Confidence and Action"

Key Words ~ Sexuality, Confidence, Courage, Vitality

Chakra - 1st - Root, 2nd - Sacral, 3rd - Solar Plexus
Element - Fire
Astrological Sign - Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Leo
Numerical Vibration - #5 & #6
Hardness - 7
Color - Translucent reddish-orange


"I AM energized & empowered to take action in my life for my highest good".

Aspects associated with the crystal.

EMOTIONAL: Self-motivating, empowering, decisions making, take action, confidence, courage, embrace change, self-esteem, release fear of change, abuse, acceptance, anger, envy, rage, delusions, joy & happiness.

PHYSICAL: Asthma, allergies, energy, vitality, blood pressure, blood circulation, detox, infections, rheumatism, neuralgia, arthritis, depression, back pain, increases appetite, sexual anxieties, infertility, impotency, PMS, heal reproductive organs, aids liver, bladder, kidneys and spleen.

SPIRITUAL: Zest for life, creativity, highest goals, transformation, empowering, protection, past life recall.


A form of Chalcedony, Agate, Carnelian is considered a “Power Stone”. A business & career stone, which is self-motivating, empowering your decision making, which in turn facilitates action on your part. Awesome inspiring and creative stone.

Very helpful for reducing any negative feelings you may be experiencing, especially feelings of envy, anger, rage and fear. Once the negative feeling dissipate, your Sacral and Solar Plexus begin to align with the joy that resides within you.

Carnelian is a stabilizing stone, grounding you in the present moment, which is exactly where we should be living…”In the Now”. Wonderful at bringing us to a place where we can trust our inner feelings and perceptions.

A stone that is jam packed with life force energy and vitality. The bodies energies will line up with those of Carnelian to bring relief to those who suffer with the following: neuralgia, rheumatism, arthritis, depression, back pain, asthma, allergies, blood pressure, infertility & impotence. Helps to also regulate the absorption of vitamins and minerals to the body.

If your looking for abundance to flow into your house…..Place a stone near your front door…..You never know, you may suddenly find the money fairy busily working with the universe on your behalf. Woohoooo!


Until next time, this is Sunscape...

Sun. Scape. Ing your day

Etsy Store - Crystal Vibrations


Thank you for the great post.

How to know if I can benefit from the Carnelian?

If you believe the stones will assist your energetic vibes then all you have to do is incorporate them into your day somehow. Just believe and it will be so.

Thank you for the advice

As same I like carnelian! Wonderful stone!
Thanks for the post!

And this is for you )

That is beautiful @singa perfect!

So very timely for me to read about Carnelian again @sunscape. My back has been trying to tell me to stay away from the computer but my mind won't let me.

I've just put a piece of raw Carnelian in each pocket and a few in front of me ~ Between the computer and myself.

I haven't done any new arrangements for sometime now. Have the feeling for making one with Carnelian now so that they can speak to me.

And, I've just placed a few at the entrance of our house as well, to encourage the money fairy to do her magic. 🦋

That sounds wonderful. I love carnelian stones and have them here and there throughout the house. I forgot to ask you if when you are sitting at the computer if you have the proper support behind your lower lumbar. Rolling a small hand towel and putting it behind your back can take the pressure off the spine, as well as making a cox cushion to sit on.... spelling may be off on that. lol

My setup is so totally unergonomic @sunscape. No back support whatsoever. I try to sit with my spine as straight as possible and stand half the time. But then I'm looking down. Will look into something to raise the computer.

After you mentioned the cox cushion ~ Spelling is fine ~ Cox and Cox is a brand name as is Anna Cox and Norman Cox. 😊

But then it seems to be an abbreviation of coccyx cushion. Made of memory foam they reduce the pressure on spine and coccyx. So I'll get one.

I've been using an infared heat pack which has been such a blessing ~ And stretching more often. The carnelian in each pocket: I won't go anywhere without them now. Have given two of them to friends as well.

Today: I made an impromptu arrangement and had the feeling to incorporate carnellian. Will share when I finish writing about it. ♥︎🦋♥︎