BTC price very well?

in #crytocurrency6 years ago

all right little blog steemit for your

Saturday morning seeing joy however

I'm that person I indicate you at times each

sometimes he has these little

cycles his site is OS SCC again I've

demonstrated this various circumstances and it tracks

pretty darn close this is real cost

of Bitcoin blue dull blue and after that red

is their figure affirm it's pretty darn

close in spite of the fact that Bitcoin has impacted past

their conjecture of 17,000 here went to

about 20 as we probably am aware same thing here

their conjecture was a rider on you know

15 five seems as though it got up to 17,000

for Bitcoin same thing here again this

was March kept running up much higher than it

before now for this situation where we are

at the present time this was somewhat higher than

what were you've seen here however look

what's going to occur next take a gander at the

size of this pleasant minimal red line it's

going to go and sufficiently interesting one week from now is

the agreement thing the crypto bargain in

they say obviously you know costs are

going to bounce and whatever blah I will

disclose to you Michelle white pigeon it was

quite the underlying report the draft

when she was doing and I don't know whether

as a matter of fact I take that back I don't know

in the event that it was very the draft we cleared out

it out totally in light of the fact that there was a

group of stuff in the white dope

report that we simply sold for $99 Pete

did all that privilege got a bundle of

y'all's inquiries placed it in there and

there were different things in there and we

only sort of weeded things that that

doesn't should be in there one of those

things that was taken out was the manner by which's the

month of May and I figure she may have

been this may even be on her blog by

the way it may really be posted

there potentially yet she had said to us

May on the off chance that she felt like would be a greater amount of

what we just got so April name would be

sort of the same ups downs ups downs

nothing there extremely off except for she said

her words were June July August and after that

like whoa September like those sort of

things like whoa September is going to be

better than average is the means by which she felt yet this is

appropriate around the bend as should be obvious

June's appropriate here

this will likely begin happening this

month you know sufficiently interesting likely

after one week from now the meeting you know

stays to be seen we may see the

party beginning right presently like

somebody just took their gigantic benefit

or then again some huge you know whale whales

whatever gatherings took their benefit thump

the cost down gotten the crypto as they

need to get into again in a little fire

deal and now they're going to ride them up

starting now and into the foreseeable future through you know June

suppose perhaps another little

rectification then it goes again pleasant

higher point adjustment goes again and so forth

I'm likewise going to let you know I've been I kind

of woke up today and as nearly as though I

had an inclination that I only sort of recognized what I

needed to do crypto related that is and

I have what I feel like are my best

three coins despite everything I need like going to

be up there and it is

Despite everything I adore like coin that is one of my

top coins theta digi by stellar and I

believe I'm and I was feeling some interesting

stamp I'm feeling some coin stamp

there's going to be others red coin you

know how I feel about red coin I have

that as well however I'm talking the best like

you recognize what am I certainty red coin would

be straight up right in there

theta did you purchase stellar red coin

stamp and obviously like goodness and I have

to have my light coin I can't get

far from my light coin with the goal that's thoughtful

of how I'm sitting right now despite everything I got

my everything every one of a few things these might be quick

removers in the event that you saw that video from

Michelle that Michelle white uh Sharon

Michelle she's into a mystic she

redressed what she had said and it

wasn't generally her it was her better half who

said you know $900 evaluated in

pennies soul offered it to me in pennies

she couldn't liked a twofold or triple

affirmation to understand that it resembled

better believe it was pennies nine hundred pennies

since it was at that point pennies and they

were asking when it was pennies which if

that is genuine you know whether it's valid

you're talking $9 for digibytes that is

the one I'm talking when did you chomp

what's more, that thing's what four pennies it was

only five it was likewise two pennies when

a portion of these different mystics were giving

it as of late so two pennies again I

was with the ones I revealed to you when two

also, a half circumstances in like a month I just

felt better than average about those theta huh

did you purchase stellar coin stamp red coin

obviously yo s despite everything I got my an OS I

know you know Bix where's little touchy

about AOS and the group in that yet man

the clairvoyants are feeling really great

about it and on the off chance that they are Jay cut as

well now crypto winged serpent we're going to have

to perceive what he does well, guess what

he's made of crypto mythical beast

he's been extremely it's been done beautiful

great as of recently he nailed May third

epicly Boyd it was anything but a phenomenal ascent

third fourth fifth the distance for

litecoin another Kryptos as well however like

one was truly feeling adored don't know

what occurred with the crypto winged serpent

this clock on May ninth you know date so

allows simply observe perhaps we're going to see

a you know these things go on a tear

this evening tomorrow the following day whatever

it is gracious I say this evening the present Friday

give me a chance to be reasonable with you well this video

is by and large truly Saturday morning so

we'll see ya I'm not concerned

it was unusual cuz I was chatting with

Brian and Frank early today and

at that point Frank left work and afterward Brian cuz

when they go in there 15 minutes they

call me and we simply talk about

cryptos since I'm at home Thursdays and

Fridays at my work area here so it was simply

me and Brian and I was what I'm telling

you at the present time I was essentially telling

him and I'm similar to you know whether somebody's

got a smidgen of cash and they're

endeavoring to influence it to complete a ton I'm

like again I can't make tracks in an opposite direction from

litecoin so like one must be incorporated

however, theta mixed up by I just could rest easy

enough again even in the wake of observing beyond any doubt

Michels video and the person that posted

recordings name is the Gulf skipper or Gulf

skipper what he calls himself on YouTube

also, he's had a couple of discussions with me

in the no so distant past and they began

transferring a few recordings after that and

they completed a little elucidation video

like I presume

recently I think it was yesterday which

for you folks that implies Thursday

you know Thursday I saw it that night

furthermore, it ridiculously impacted me

it was fundamentally my Michelle white birds

pics of this wannabe great that one kid

he was endeavoring to get somewhat more

data on occupied me you know how soon

or on the other hand various stuff sort of a thing so

you have two clairvoyants and afterward she

took a similar rundown and he and he said

that at one of the focuses when he
was you know testing her in the event that you will or

attempting to get the you know soul

whatever to give him the appropriate response mm-well

it was basically here's a rundown of inquiries

indeed or no that is it and they wouldn't

disclose to him the inquiries you know inquire

soul of question one yes or no alright

question two yes or no alright after it was

done it adjusted and I think part about that

was a consolation that it wasn't $900
for did you nibble it was 900 penny so that
question was in there unbeknownst to her
since he did she didn't get the chance to see

them so then she said she took the rundown
thereafter after you know he indicated it
to her after they were done she knows I
don't know whether she said was her child

some individual has a blessing you know otherworldly
furthermore, they offered it to them a similar way
answer yes or no for these inquiries
but she said I think they since she
says you know when you have mystic
companions and things or a family whatever

you sort of run things forward and backward
some of the time approve what do you feel about
this and after that in the event that they give you the same
thing it resembles a twofold affirmation so

that other individual asked her a few

furthermore, you comprehend what you get on that and
she addressed and that is the thing that they got so

she resembled goodness then a portion of this was

as of now what we discussed so it was
great and after that she gave them the
inquiries on the paper essentially yes or
no yes or no yes or no without inquiring

the inquiry simply question one yes or no
question - yes or no they truly got
the indistinguishable yeses and noes this other
individual so that was additional affirmation

for her and once he began talking
about a portion of the coins again this
generally what was on you know a Michelle
starting report you know when I first

conveyed her up to you folks and she put
it on the blog and
you can go take a gander at that on her Michelle
white comm site so I and here's this

get this
I asked Michelle through Shante her
director as a result of what I saw with this
about goodness perhaps it was exasperated and
Soul gave dollars not then give

dollars gave sense yet they were

expecting dollars that is the reason this current woman's
had nine hundred dollars for Disney purchase

it woldn't generally appear like nine

dollars since it was nine hundred

pennies so I inquired as to whether when you

know Michelle's ready you know

prepared to do her readings might you be able to inquire
her you realize that soul or whatever
theta is it conceivable in light of the fact that theta was
in the pennies at the time part was
twelve thirteen pennies if by shot
soul replied back in pennies since

a similar way so night so thousands means
a huge number of pennies meaning a thousand
pennies would be ten dollars or whatever
right so she resembles gracious that is a decent

that is something to be thankful for definitely okay I'll

ask her so she answered later on which is

today so you answered today and she goes

also, home um it's going to peruse you what it

is she said I should said that theta is

like the tortoise in the hair that it's

going to be a gigantic win over the long haul

no it wasn't pennies it was certainly

dollars she got so my inquiry it
since when I figure it out it resembles six
hundred something billion dollar showcase
top if theta went into that sort of
value extend you comprehend what I was looking
arrange today and just to ensure my
math is correct I'll do it at the present time I
think there was six hundred something

called 670 milli