bring kriptocurrency to people! wallet social aims to make kriptocurrency can be accessed by everyone by combining the power of infinite of blockchain and interconnectivity social media. we are very focus on our goal is to introduce more 2.5 billion users social media to kriptocurrency. philosophy our guide on the way this range from around the mission of the adoption of crypto-cardiac via social media.
endekatan two branches US to apply the platform easy to use, along with the launch of initiatives wallet social, will help promote new users, previously never use kriptourrency, to the wallet social in an effort to make hyperconnecting around the world. our mission with the number of users social media and boomingnya technological innovation blockchain, no doubt that both the power of this great will eventually be combined.
that's what we want to do. what is a social wallet? wallet social utilizing technology blockchain to allow the transfer kriptocurrency through infrastructure social media today. no setup, or previous knowledge necessary when receiving the transaction. the process is illustrated in simple steps: what's the token wire? token the basis that affect the transaction social media is token wire. wire token of used US: crypto sent to penerimabiaya transaction to transfer as receiver receive token wire, he has a lot of the option to use it: save tokens in dompetnyakirimkan to a friend, family or colleagues kerjamelakukan purchase using debit card wallet social (features coming) what are the use case may be for the token wire? scenario 1: Jack run a study groups and time very valuable. his students can pay the time, sending wire directly by social media networks same used Jack to train his disciples. scenario 2: Joe, Matt and Ilana decided to do the weekend trip to a cabin in the East Coast. raise funds for the trip never been easier because all payments can be done instant through the group of social media them.
scenario 3: all people like birthday. long gone are the days when received a gift card Amazon feels like experience cool and is unique. think your best friend just get 50 notes happy birthday on Facebook. why not beat them all by sending some wire as a gift? scenario 4: everyone need a little help sometimes. token wire has the potential to be used to build community and the efforts of social assistance. they can be sent to help a friend who recently had events unexpected or even help the entire community be a victim of natural disasters. they can also be used to reward on the story of heroism amazing. ability to use the token wire for the benefit of social very promising. and that's initiative wallet social; it will use the budget to actively focus on the fight for the cause of altruistic wherever they can be found around the social media. how technology powering social wallet? wire using algorithm xevan, he was founded by developers bitsend and since then proved to be stable, algorithm resistant and efficient ASIC. algorithm hash xevan is a unique combination of the algorithm difficulty x17 double with extension to 128 bits. specifications coins: 250.000.000 stock outstanding 30 blocks second 5 confirmation (2,5 minutes) 155 confirmation for lurking 35.000 wire per masternode built on bitcoin core 0.10.x. with all v0.13.2 updates and dash core v0.12.1 bip38 encryption / decryption button personal why steem? call to Act! social wallet is a project visionary designed to connect users social media with the world kriptocurrency. steemit is platform amazing to reach the user of social media that have been used to crypto and integrate it to the ecosystem greater.
goals and intentions wallet social and communities steem will never be aligned and as a result we would like to invite community steem to join in sales token US and be a part of a new paradigm in roomates the social network crypto and mainstream brings together. community steem and blockchainnya will play a major role in the development strategy our future so keep looking forward to the development of exciting new! concluded all this is the mission of social wallet to introduce more 2.5 billion users social media to kriptocurrency. tokennya, wire, ranging sold on February 7, 2018 at a price of $ 0,15 per token. token can be purchased at bitcoin (BTC), ethereum (at), and litecoin (LTC). this is an opportunity once in a lifetime to participate in sales token wire and become part of the incorporation of revolutionary between the media block and social media so don't miss the opportunity to make history! visit US on the Web at for more information. give US feedback wallet social is platform that have been made specifically for our users. we would like to people who have a little technical skills to have the opportunity to join the community crypto in an easy way and fun. take a moment to post a comment below and let US know how to the state of US! join chat dissociation wallet social is there unanswered questions? do you want to be part of the community wallet social? take some time and join.
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