Man, am I glad that you posted this SGT Report video here! I saw it in my feed a couple of days ago but it was long and I didn't have enough time to watch it then. So you know I just forgot all about it, but I watched it this time and it hit me hard because this is the missing piece to the puzzle that I have been looking for.
I knew that the elites were waiting for and expecting the start of something, and I now believe that this is it and that they are certain that everything began to really change this year after the equinox occurred. It was to them the end of the last best growing season and it will all be downhill from here!
I have been following some of the Electric Universe theories and I watch almost all of SuspiciousObservers videos on YouTube so I have been keeping up with the whole Grand Minimum theory and considerations, but I had not put that together with what the world's governments are doing and especially not with cryptocurrency.
I look at all of this from a Christian viewpoint so my predictions on what is going to happen going forward follow Bible prophecy for the last days. But the mechanism for the fulfillment of those prophecies has been a mystery for thousands of years, but now it appears that it is all beginning to come into focus.
Thank you for reminding me to watch this video!