I've been using the DEX for three years. Volumes are improving exponentially. I bought a bunch of HERO before this latest dump and have done extremely well; best part is that I'm now selling the HERO to buy cheap BTS. It is awesome.
As for the DEX I use it because there is no risk of losing my money like with other centralized exchanges. Also fees are cheap. Once the liquidity grows it is going to be the best crypto exchange on the planet.
I hadn't tried DEX before, my only experience with a decentralized exchange was with BitSquare, then they raised the escrow amount to 0.03BTC which was too high for a slow exchange process like theirs. Maybe if my portfolio were larger, I wouldn't have an issue with it, but that is too much to tie up in a single trade for me.
Johnsmith.Would you be interested in doing a tutorial on how to place trades on the DEX?? I would like to collateralize my BTS to but HERO and take advantage of these marjet swings