Pushing Yourself To Get Better

in #ctp5 years ago

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If your building a business online than you need to be constantly pushing yourself to get better no excuses.

I have a diagnosis of treatment resistant paranoid schizophrenia , complex PTSD and OCD.
This condition i have had for 17 years and i have to take heavy medication which is really not good for you but i am bound by UK law to take it.

This is what has pushed me towards the health and wellness industry.

I have also been really hitting the books and learning everything i can about personal development.

This is no easy to task when your in your late 40's and you have to get rid of all the bad thinking and habits you have gained in your life but it has to be done.

I have been learning that most entrepreneurs are just all talk, sorry if this is you but it is true.

They make posts online about mindset, consistency, perseverance, overcoming, breaking out of their comfort zones, becoming the best version of yourself and blah blah blah without actually doing even a small percent of it let alone all of it.

Why? Oh yeah because it makes them look and feel good but what is it actually accomplishing it is just pretending like a child and well like a child eventually you have to grow up, stop pretending and start taking action.

There is no other way around it otherwise real success will always be out of reach.

I also hear and see entrepreneurs talk about helping other people, giving with no expectations of anything return, again i call these people out because when you say you do this and then offer a opportunity, product or service that is expecting a return is it not.

It is important that as entrepreneurs we lead by example this is why, i took up a 25 day challenge for PTSD and depression awareness on Facebook.

The challenge is to do 25 push ups for 25 days live.

This challenge covers everything i am not a physical person and i hate being on camera.

I have done 3 days so far and will be doing my fourth tonight it is really tough for me but i am doing it anyways.


When was the last time you really pushed yourself?
When was the last time you picked up a book?
Are you learning something new?

If you don't do these things how can you as entrepreneurs or anything that you do in life really expect to succeed if your not actually taking actions to improve and not pushing yourself?

Also as an entrepreneur how can you expect to lead others cause i can tell you now if your faking it at some point reality will kick your door in and you will not be able to hide in your safe spaces anymore, especially if you want to be successful.

People are getting fed up and they will call you out on your BS so why not just do it, stand up to your claims entrepreneur.
If your interested in making a change in your life or someone elses or your interested in developing yourself so you can honestly feel good it all starts today with a free tour https://www.trker.com/go/120313

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I have recommended this post to my friend and described it like: "A rant, different and unique!"

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, and I do have similar thinking as you... and maybe I will do a little vlog about it... Thanks for inspiring me...

Thank you Zoltan glad you liked it bro i will count this as a success then i will look forward to your vlog

This post has so many great points. I agree with you the posers are never around but so long because people will see through them. They also don't have the success so the end up quitting most of the time. Keep up the great work

Exactly Mike, it is just a matter of time before they go back to their full time grind working building someone elses vision because they tried to fake it these sheeple will never have any staying power because they are not willing to put their EGO (Edging God Out) aside.

Great post and don't get too hung up about doing the work in your 40's. So many great people have been working on their goals and personal development for a lifetime and if you've read think and grow rich there is some talk about people not getting any great break throughs until they are in to thier 40's or 50's. Some even much later in life. @russellstockley posted a great vlog about persistence. Ok it was regarding his struggle with uploading a video but in life in general it's always persistence which overcomes resistance.

Thank you Paul that is reassuring my friend have the best one

Awesome stuff man, and great to see you back rocking on the blockchain!

Hey I hear you about the re-inventing yourself in your 40's...It's fun ain't it :) lol

You are crushing it man, I see you all the time on FB putting out great content...Glad to see you here as well. Reach out if you need anything at all!

Thank you so much, yes it is actually starting to become fun now at first it was a big shock to the old system felt like i was in a constant state of buffering for awhile lol.
Facebook is ok but to be honest it is a bit exhausting and got to a state were it is just a spam engagement game on who can put out the best quote and spend the most hours spamming other posts.
If your content creating it is almost becoming a pointless exercise as the work you put in is not appreciated.
I am definately going to be moving more this way and bringing some fellow content creators i have met on Facebook over as well. To me Facebook is just essentially a people search engine now with adverts.
Appreciate the offer i will definately be needing a guide here there is so much to learn.

It is nice determination. Instead of just blaming you started looking for solutions. Great attitude.

Thank you so much, yeah it is easy to just blame and wallow in your problems and issues looking for solutions was absolutely the best way forward.

Wow, you mirrored a lot of feelings I have, that's for sure! :)

First of all, to change your life for the better & take back your control is an awesome thing! So GOOD FOR YOU :) I have faced my adversities as well & it's too easy for people to just sit back & say "woe is me" & stay in that energy. You didn't so kudos! :)

I am inspired by what you said because there are so many people out there who are still not taking personal responsibilty for themselves. You can't just talk the talk & expect others not to see through you eventually. When I create content, I want to create VALUE & make it meaningful, whether it's motivational or just a good laugh. If I can't, I won't do it. That is my driving force.

I cannot stand when others send me a link out of the blue just to spam me or are "car salesman" like with their approach instead of just being authentic & real. It will actually repel me. lol. So this definitely needed to be said.

Thank you for bringing this into the light because this needs to be heard. I am thinking of a vlog myself lol so I think you inspired at least 2 people. :) Keep up the great work & keep inspiring :)💖

Thank you so much for your kind response and encouragement, i am glad you have overcome as well. It is definately off putting the way a lot of people push their business over the value they should be delivering.

Being authentic and real is a must in my eyes people can play an act for awhile but eventually the curtain will fall and we all see the ugly truth it is never pretty.

It is much more helpful to be true to yourself so i salute you my friend and i am so pleased i have inspired you i look forward to watching your vlog.

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