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RE: My Travel Experience To The Netherlands On My Way Back To Ireland.

in #ctp3 years ago

Haha I did not, I just thought it was a type of hagelslag, but i did have the actual hagelslag last time I was here. They are both pretty good to me :)

Thanks for informing me, my gf didn’t tell me that haha.

Yes I was nearly ready to just leave the suitcase, it was so frustrating. We got here in the end though.


Well, it's close to hagelslag but not the same. I do agree it's very good with that type of bread!

I can imagine that you wanted to leave, I'm also quite stressed and worried with the airport stuff, afraid something happens that we will be too late, and I have no peace of mind until we are in the plane, but the same goes for the leaving the airport, waiting 3 hours would stress me out big time!

Glad it worked out though! Long trip, but at least you have the biggest part behind you!

Yes I love that bread, much better than the bread I had in Mexico.

You understand what Im like, yes glad that part is over with. Just for the rest of the travelling tomorrow. Hopefully it goes smoothly.Even though I am still a bit anxious for it, I know I wont be as bad because it's a lot shorter and easy journey.

Tijgerbrood met roomboter en hagelslag for the WIN!! Hahaha. There's nothing better, not even cake haha.
I'd kill for that now LOL.
It wouldn't be something you could import as it arrive here in a melted block hahaha.