10 Little Known Ways To Get Leads On Facebook

in #ctp5 years ago


Facebook has over 2 billion active users.

If all you did was get leads on facebook and connect with others, it would still be worth it 10x because of how facebook makes it easy to communicate.

The problem is people don’t know where or how to start when it comes to generating leads on facebook.

The biggest thing to remember is that facebook is a place for socializing and connecting.

People don’t go to facebook for ads, they go for socializing with others and for consuming content.

That’s what facebook is all about. If you go on facebook to socialize with others and post value for the end user, you’ll have the most success.

Being that facebook is so good for lead generation, I’ve listed below 10 little know ways to get leads on facebook for the home based business owner.

Each one of these strategies will work for you, if you apply them consistently over time just like anything else in life.

Read each one, take 1 or 2 of them, and get to work.

#1. Include Links In Image Descriptions

I’ll be honest, I stumbled upon this by pure accident but it’s really an easy way to get free leads on facebook.

When you go to share an image, simply include your website link (ideally a capture page) in the description of the image. Most people are curious and will click on the link to check out the website.

Seriously, it’s really easy and it will take you a grand total of about 20 seconds to do.

Try it the next time you’re posting an image.

#2. Mobile Lead Ads

Last year, facebook added a new feature called lead ads.

This feature enables users to sign-up for offers, and content without the need of clicking on a link or for filling out a form.

It’s designed to streamline the mobile sign-up process.

The creative process goes like this: Create your ad, set the targeting options, set the bidding options, customize your form fields. And BOOM! You have your very own ad on facebook.

#3. Facebook Lives

By now you should already know what a facebook live is, and how it works.

For those that don’t know… It’s facebook’s way of using live video to broadcast to other facebook users…

After the live has finished, it’s automatically recorded for others to watch.

Most facebook users love it due to the fact it’s so interact making it far more unique compared to regular videos uploaded to the platform.

Similar to image posts above, you can add a link in the description to promote your sales page, capture page, or whatever website you want.

This is an incredibly powerful way to generate leads.

#4. Promoted Video Ads

Using facebook’s ad platform is an extremely powerful way to get leads, and sales. But what is even more powerful is using videos ads to do it.

Video content is king hands down.

Facebook recently did a study on The Value of Video For Brands, and talked about that people just seeing a video for even a few seconds took their brand awareness up in the marketplace.

Imagine if you started using video ads, and what it did for your business?

#5. The “Pin Post” Option From Fan Pages

Maybe the easiest strategy to do from this list would be to a create a welcome video post (include a link), and then pin it to the top of your fan page.

Not only is this a great way to capitalize on people that visit your page, but you will get leads from it too.

This is very simple to do.

#6. Create High Value Blog Posts

People love to view, and share worthwhile content on facebook.

If you focus on creating high-value blog posts, this can get you traffic, leads, and demonstrate your expertise all at the same time.

The key here is to create shareable content. In other words, create content that gives people a sense of empowerment when they share it.

Creating content is fun, and the end result is always in your favor if you focus on creating value.

#7. Native Advertising

If you’re scratching your head and wondering “What the heck is native advertising?”, then just keep reading. I will explain…

Wikipedia does a great job explaining what native Advertising is, but here is a snippet below that explains what it is…

Native advertising is a type of disguised advertising, usually online, that matches the form and function of the platform upon which it appears. In many cases, it manifests as either an article or video, produced by an advertiser with the specific intent to promote a product, while matching the form and style which would otherwise be seen in the work of the platform’s editorial staff. The word “native” refers to this coherence of the content with the other media that appears on the platform.

Basically, when people go to facebook, they want to see content, not ads.

You can create a piece of content like a blog post or video, and then run a paid ad to that content – which leads to an offer towards the end of the content.

This really is a softer approach to where people feel like they’re not being pitched.

#8. The Call-To-Action Button On Facebook Pages

The CTA button on facebook pages is a very powerful tool for traffic, and lead generation.

The button options you can choose from are: Sign Up, Shop Now, Contact Us, Book Now, Use App, Watch Video, and Play Game.

Heck, there might even be more by the time you read this, but choose the one that best fits your offer.

The button once clicked, will go straight to wherever you want the visitor to go.

It’s free traffic, and leads. Who doesn’t like free? 🙂

#9. Post To Facebook Groups

When you have content that is relevant in a facebook group – post inside it.

Create a video or a blog post that is benefit driven and have that content lead into an offer at the end.

10#. Network And Connect On Facebook

This is probably the easiest and most simple way to get leads and start conversations. Get talking to people and move them towards your offer.

Valuable conversation between people is an art form.

It’s a back and forth between two people that when done properly can set people in a position to look at your presentation, capture, blog, or offer.

I have found that many people simply struggle with what to say, and how to network.

Here are a couple of questions you can ask people to get the conversation going:

  • What do you do?
  • What does your career entail?
  • How long have you been doing that?
  • Do you enjoy what you do?
  • Have you ever considered doing anything else?


Facebook is an amazing place to build your business.

If you take these 10 little known ways to get leads on facebook, and just pick 1 or 2 of them to implement, I truly believe you can get 10+ leads a day from facebook.

Consistency is the key. You can’t expect to do these for a few days and expect to get results.

Put together a 90-day game plan and get to work.

If you have found value in this blog post, please feel free to share it and leave a comment.

You rock and I believe in you,


Carl Davies

P.S. To generate leads, you need the tools to do it. Go here to see my favorite tool suite for generating leads: https://www.carldavies.net/globalnpn


Great tips, Carl!

Just a small STEEM tip from my side... When you do some blog posts where you re-use your articles, write at the end a short explanation that it is your post and the source to original...

There is a bot running on the STEEM blockchain that searches for plagiarism, and it's good to clarify things... Also, you will get more upvotes as people will appreciate more your work...

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@thisisawesome Moderator

This is Awesome ContentAwesome Daily report in category Awesome CTP Curation for more visibility., and it will be manually curated with an upvote of 65% from @thisisawesome (will be done today), and it will also be included in our

The goal of this project is to "highlight Awesome Content, and growing the Steem ecosystem by rewarding it".


I didn't know that. Will link to my blog with the orginal work. Thanks!