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RE: Click.Track.Profit.Smarts.

in #ctp5 years ago

Sorry to disappoint you Ian but your Team assessment is wrong what ever position you think you are on the ladder they are outdated figures like by 2 years. Don't be dragged into thinking there is a fight to get to the top at present if you believe that then you are no better than the teams below you who also think the battle is on and position counts.
The real team stats will shock some when a actual team competition starts and everyone is equal on ZERO.
Sorry but I am getting sick of the people who think what is showing on the Teams page is the state of play, it is not.


Hey Rob, thanks for the heads-up. I'm still accumulating team points and having fun. Besides, nothing like a bit of cross team rivalry to stimulate the passions, mate! I'm not disappointed, just frustrated that our team comp is still treading water; my legs hurt already!

You are in the best team @ianballantine! Don't listen to Rob... :)