The first two steps of today's #3StepsNoExcuses challenge were very comfortable for me! I felt quite chuffed that it was a nice easy day - until I came to the third step... and was jolted into doing something a bit uncomfortable!
Step 1 CTP: Blog!
Today's video is all about the virtues of blogging, and especially of blogging here on the Hive blockchain.
Apparently a lot of people find blogging uncomfortable, but I've been doing it for years now and the only thing I find uncomfortable about it is that I often get distracted by other stuff, such as teaching, to do as much of it as I would like to do.
I blogged about yesterday's 3Steps earlier today, so I was able to check off this step nice and easily! :)
Step 2 Listnerds: Pull People to Your Blog
Woohoo! Another easy-peasy step for me!
My Listnerds post just happens to be one that "pulls" people to my blog as part of my promotion drive for the fourth edition of my co-authored book, A Thousand A Month.
Step 3 Plus1Success: Get Uncomfortable!
Ugh! This one pulled me out of my happy complacency...
Getting uncomfortable. Tell me about it! Take last week for example...
Last week I got uncomfortable by standing on my head (literally) for just over a minute as part of my exercise programme.
Unfortunately I did not sufficiently support my neck and I put it out, so I had a painfully stiff neck for about five or six days and the first two days were especially uncomfortable!
But this week it is much better and I am free of pain and feeling very comfortable as I enjoy a couple of leisurely days home alone during the spring vacation...
And now here's Jon bullying me into getting uncomfortable! Bah!
Tongue Twisting On Tik Tok
Last week I had an uncomfortably twisted neck. Today I decided to get uncomfortable by twisting my tongue - on TikTok!
Yes, I posted a chess video on TikTok as part of Day Four's "Do Something New" challenge.
Well, I have had in mind some other nutty activities to try out on TikTok, and one of them was to recite the verse about "Betty Botter" but I'd been putting it off - well it was a pain in the neck, you see.
So, I decided to just get it done today!
There are various versions of Betty Botter but the one I used was the one in the Ladybird book of One Hundred Nursery Rhymes that I used to entertain my daughter with when she was little:
And here is the link to the video in all its glory on Tiktok!
And here it is on Twitter:
David Hurley

this was absolutely awesome! Very funny and entertaining
Glad you enjoyed it! Thank you for letting me know, @bencar26.
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