It worth is somewhat Like Gold - open to the MarketHello @andrewn - I agree that your Crypto is yours and it is open to all fluctuations of monetary implications.
I dont believe Gold is Gods money, as I would not thing God was in need of Money, God does not set the value, Humans do, Gold is a mineral the fact that Humans have placed a value on it because it can be shiny is irrelevant.
Crypto is just as much vulnerable to the value that humans place upon it. It may be yours however its value is not.
So it gives you the value you want from it, eg; when you choose to swap it
thanks for the insight.
I agree God does not really have a need for said Gold.
I guess we could say he created, and as you stated humans added the value to it.
Agree. It is about the value of the currency.
It does feel a little better being out of government control.